*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***


1 rogue360
2 KWJay
3 McDan1el
4 thor
5 brocksta (unconfirmed - might not know until the day, someone want to be reserve?)

I'm up for that, should be back from the west country by then but if delayed I'll let you know and you can sub me

I also have CE HM Crota CP if peeps wanna do it
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Same - I got the invite but was on PS3 last night just watching some of the tv series I've missed this week while having a break from Destiny as no doubt I'll be playing a lot over the weekend.

Be good to get a couple of them done tonight, and happy to make up the numbers for any others too so if I'm on and anyone needs others just drop me an invite.
Thoseion, not sure who you are on here bud but apologies for last night. Managed to get through the nightfall with my nephew and his mate lol, was quite funny as they just blasted through it and I just sat back and let them get on with it lol.
The part they completely and utterly went by is the bit before the ending of Omnigul ie going up that hill. These 2 little muppets just got on their sparrow's, went past the Ogre and others then ended up in a corner where they took out Omnigul pretty easily lol. Was good fun though albeit hilarious :p

If I cant get anyone next week for the nightfall then I shall give you a shout and we can go through it together. Again apologies and hope we can game together perhaps on a raid or 2.

As for my raid setup this weekend, good to see some people wanting to play. Looking forward to playing with you guys again.

Still have 2 slots open, again feel free to add your names to the list.
Anyone around for a vog hm raid tonight or tomorrow on x1(I should have the oracle cp)

Still got 3 x weekly to do and one more nightfall.
RAID FRIDAY 8PM CE NM/HM OR VOG HM PS4 (most probably a ce nm run and then decide after that)

1) redrooster
2) davie
3) fallen
4) MachM82
5) Anti-Chav
6) OweO

People in this raid group, if you see this there's a big update to download so if your coming on at eight you'll probably need to install that first. Just a heads up.
Downloaded quickly for me (10-15 minutes), but you never know, I might have been lucky. The last one took hours! Good call to get on early and set it away.
Yup got mine downloaded. It kicked me out the game earlier to do it.

Just a heads up - I will have to nip away from 10pm-10.20pm so hope that's OK.
Just to pick wife up from the train station but it's only 7-8 minutes each way.
Just started up Destiny and initially it didn't look like the bar was moving at all. Next thing you know, it says 6GB out of 6.9GB done, so don't worry.

I was going to force shut down my PS4 as well!
I started mine then went away for 5-10 mins and then it said 6.1/6.9 done so assumed it was fast....then it slowed to a crawl and took an hour or two to finish.

I can only assume their CDN sucks, I would have thought it all uses Sony's but apparently not.
I started mine then went away for 5-10 mins and then it said 6.1/6.9 done so assumed it was fast....then it slowed to a crawl and took an hour or two to finish.

I can only assume their CDN sucks, I would have thought it all uses Sony's but apparently not.
Its more that the patch was really nearly 1Gb of new files so when it was preparing it worked out 5Gb of the patch already existed and downloaded the rest.

Mine was pretty quick too - think preparing took longer

ps3ud0 :cool:
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