*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I'm going to be on earlier tonight. I'm good to go for PoE 32 or Trials of Osiris at 5:30pm GMT

Anyone else on early?

I'll be on from about 4:30 to 8:30. Will start the story missions at 4:30 so depending on how long they take might be able to join you for some level 32 poe
Round 2 tonight.

Wednesday 7.30pm gmt, running all new story missions then PoE 28 (then possible again on another character or PoE 32 depends what people prefer). Missing spots filled with LFG.

1. apatia7
2. FallenEden
3. redrooster303

Definitely on for this. I'm going on now though if anyone needs to do the NF's.
Will get my Thursday session in then...I'll go for early birds but can move it later if no-one's about. I'll be running my warlock through the story beforehand so I'll be ready for PoE. Possibly a 34 after with my titan...

Thursday 6:30pm GMT PoE 28 -> 32
1) middgen
Will get my Thursday session in then...I'll go for early birds but can move it later if no-one's about. I'll be running my warlock through the story beforehand so I'll be ready for PoE. Possibly a 34 after with my titan...

Thursday 6:30pm GMT PoE 28 -> 32
1) middgen
2) OweO

Yeah I'm in for this. Happen to run 28 followed by a 32 PoE. Then a 34 on Pigtails (who will be 33 by then thanks for the Armour core) if we still have time.
Will get my Thursday session in then...I'll go for early birds but can move it later if no-one's about. I'll be running my warlock through the story beforehand so I'll be ready for PoE. Possibly a 34 after with my titan...

Thursday 6:30pm GMT PoE 28 -> 32
1) middgen
2) OweO
3) Col_Jacko

I'm up for this. I'll be online from 4:30, either running my warlock or hunter through the story. My titan is 33 & 1/2 so might be 34 by then to do the poe stuff
You can be 34 as soon as you complete the 32 PoE, you get an armour core which buys you a pair of gloves already at light 42. Your two etheric light + exotic = 34.

Anyone had etheric drop from PoE yet?
Hopefully I will get some drop on the two NF's I still have to run. Two EL plus the armour will let Pigtails be level 34... :D (well unless Moody snatches it of course.... :eek:)
IF you have space when you do NF give me a shout mate ;).

When you going to be on? I will be running with the Mrs so will let her know that we might have you joining. :) (she is quite shy and thinks she is crap at the game... ).

I have two to do anyway and I am happy to help out even if I have already run it.

I *think* the plan tonight is:

Complete her story missions
Re-run story missions on 1st Alt

Not sure exactly when we would run the NF.
I've still got all the content to do too so if happy to jump in if anyone needs another person - just give me an invite later on if so - and good luck, just going to try and get to 32 now so I'm more prepared for tonight
Thanks to my beautiful team mates, Venom & Rabbit, 35 PoE is now complete. Final boss completed on our second or third attempt - it's really fun.

We're all 34 now too. So time to rank up some weapons!
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I know we have lots of HoW fun to be had, but anyone want to cover a few raids on Sunday?

XB1 - CE HM / VoG HM 20:00 start

CE HM: 20:00-20:45

1. McDan1el

VoG HM: 20:45ish

1. McDan1el
Good work :) You were all at 34 to do it?

Now I'm 33 I've got an urge to go smash the **** out of crota HM :)

No, I was awkward and decided not to upgrade my titan so I stayed lv33 :p. Moon and Venom decided to upgrade to lv34 on the 4th or 5th round as it did get pretty messy. We were going to try and do it as a lv33 team but it wasn't really worth the hassle. I have upgraded my warlock now so she will be lv34 tomorrow when we run through it again and since Moon and Venom have 2 hunters we will be running it as a team of lv34's from start to finish which will make it easier.

It was pretty hard to decide what to upgrade first with my spare etheric light but I went for the fatebringer, I will probably rank up vision of confluence with the next spare etheric light I get.
Just checking we are still on for tonight:

Originally Posted by mid_gen View Post
Will get my Thursday session in then...I'll go for early birds but can move it later if no-one's about. I'll be running my warlock through the story beforehand so I'll be ready for PoE. Possibly a 34 after with my titan...

Thursday 6:30pm GMT PoE 28 -> 32
1) middgen
2) OweO
3) Col_Jacko

As you are both 33/34 you can help drag my "lowly" 32 (Pigtails) through everything... :p

Bluey is one story mission away from being able to do the PoE (can't remember if you have to do the Shadow thief strike first though? I did the NF before I picked up that quest item).
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