*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Does anybody want to do a couple of Nightfalls tonight? I'll be on at about 6. Couldn't do any yesterday thanks to the ever reliable PSN!
Two NF's down with the Mrs. Didn't see anyone else online but judging by the comments about PSN being down it makes sense now. We were kicked but we found Destiny to be acting for want of a better word "weird" on our attempted 3rd run. It almost felt like a laggy crucible match. I got killed by the tanks main turret only to see the explosion 3 seconds later whilst watching my orb. Vandals also appeared to have learned how to blink strike (fun with lightswitch enabled...).

Will try again tomorrow. Might be up for a POE 34 if anyone is on around 8ish? Mrs hasn't run the 34 before but the Servitor should be pretty straight forward.

I said I would help run a mate who is 33 through the 34 at about 6:30-7 so hopefully will have finished by 8. I think it is going to be a bit play it by ear but if I am around I'll join you.
Have to remove SPK as he doesn't know what time he can make it on tonight.
Gimp - your wife sounded like she was keen (there wasn't anyway I could think of to type this without it sounding dodgy! :D), wanna chuck her a message and see if she wants in?

At least she's keen for something! :D

I'll fire her a message over in a bit, can't see it being an issue. Tufpick probably wouldn't mind joining too if we can't find a 6th man.
I think they need to tone down the range on hand cannons, and the damage at longer ranges. Probably give them more recoil too considering the damage output (actually looks like they are doing this in the taken king).

They can do separate damage for PVP and PVE, they did it with shotguns already. They need to do the same with the others.

Thorn dot damage should be about 3-4, and maybe not have linger for so long? It shouldn't kill in two head shots for me, unless you're at close range, not scout rifle range.

the damage calculation for crucible has a modifier in it that is weapon class specific.

Thus they can buff all shotguns in PVE only by raising the base damage but reducing it back to normal in the crucible.

Same way they can nerf all auto rifles.

But the problem here isn't hand cannons. When was the last time you saw somebody tearing up the crucible with ill will or fatebringer ?

The problem here is specifically the exotics. If they do the same again, that they did to fix Suros, they will just ruin all hand cannons completely.

You mention thorn's DOT damage. You can't adjust that without adjusting it in PVE and PVP. There are different damage calculations for the weapon classes in PVP and PVE, but the guns don't have two full sets of different stats which is really whats needed.

Thats not to say they can't with some coding. Which is exactly what I suspect is going on and why they've been so silent. Bungie has never been one to talk to us while they are still in the coding phase of changes. They've admitted as much and say they change their minds a lot during this phase so just keep quiet while they deliberate internally and change their minds many times. They only start talking once its coded, happy with the play testing and its ready to go live.
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the damage calculation for crucible has a modifier in it that is weapon class specific.

Thus they can buff all shotguns in PVE only by raising the base damage but reducing it back to normal in the crucible.

Same way they can nerf all auto rifles.

But the problem here isn't hand cannons. When was the last time you saw somebody tearing up the crucible with ill will or fatebringer ?

The problem here is specifically the exotics. If they do the same again, that they did to fix Suros, they will just ruin all hand cannons completely.

You mention thorn's DOT damage. You can't adjust that without adjusting it in PVE and PVP. There are different damage calculations for the weapon classes in PVP and PVE, but the guns don't have two full sets of different stats which is really whats needed.

Thats not to say they can't with some coding. Which is exactly what I suspect is going on and why they've been so silent. Bungie has never been one to talk to us while they are still in the coding phase of changes. They've admitted as much and say they change their minds a lot during this phase so just keep quiet while they deliberate internally and change their minds many times. They only start talking once its coded, happy with the play testing and its ready to go live.

Hopefully you're right there Frodders. I would have thought it would be fairly easy for them as they can distinguish between Guardian and non-Guardian kills for the super energy perks on armour so I'd say they just need to apply the same logic to the Mark of the Devourer perk. I'm no coder though so it's just guess work!
Does anyone fancy a run at Skolas on PS4 tonight?

I've never attempted it so could do with a couple of folk who know the ropes already. I do have a maxed thorn for the small arms buff though.

Let's say half past 7 start?

1. Meths
Does anyone fancy a run at Skolas on PS4 tonight?

I've never attempted it so could do with a couple of folk who know the ropes already. I do have a maxed thorn for the small arms buff though.

Let's say half past 7 start?

1. Meths

I'd like to give it a go, but can't get on much before 8pm if you are okay to wait. Also I really need a key....

**No problem if you can't wait and want an early start.
Yeah I don't mind having a crack at this. :)

I have a vague idea of what to do (as in I know what to do based on watching others do it but have never tried it myself).
Yeah I don't mind having a crack at this. :)

I have a vague idea of what to do (as in I know what to do based on watching others do it but have never tried it myself).

I've not got the kill, but been through the fight several times. Main theme is kill the adds, call out the poison around 10-15sec mark and transfer it around the 5sec mark. Whoever is immune should generally be the one to do the far side mine when we get to that section.
Gonna be a little later than 8 for the VoG etc, had a Windows machine drop its guts big style on me earlier and I haven't finished hitting it with a large hammer just yet
Originally Posted by Mr Gimp View Post
Fancy attempting Scrota and VoG tomorrow again if anyone is down? I want Black Hammer and Vision of Confluence damn it!

Wednesday 8pm

1. G23 Mr Gimp
2. The Ultim8 Dave (No R0gue quitting tonight! )
3. KWJay
4. SolaceFree ?
5. R0gue360
6. MrGench??

If there's still a place count me in
Any PS4 guys fancy a Friday raid? Haven't touched a raid since HoW dropped. Would fancy HM Crota, need a few weapons from it.

HM Crota Friday 8pm:

1. MachM82
Any PS4 guys fancy a Friday raid? Haven't touched a raid since HoW dropped. Would fancy HM Crota, need a few weapons from it.

HM Crota Friday 8pm:

1. MachM82
2. mid_gen
3. AStaley

I'll take a spot as well. Could do with perhaps doing normal first for Hunger of Crota, it doesn't drop on hard?
Yeah put me down. I will run probably on my Mrs's character(s) as I don't need anything from the raid myself.

I can run sword on both Normal and Hard if required. I can only run it once on HM though as only her main WL is level 33.

Originally Posted by MachM View Post
Any PS4 guys fancy a Friday raid? Haven't touched a raid since HoW dropped. Would fancy HM Crota, need a few weapons from it.

HM Crota Friday 8pm:

1. MachM82
2. mid_gen
3. AStaley
4. OweO (as Jorja86)

EDIT: We had a decent run at Skolas last night. Didn't manage to kill him in the end but have massively increased our experience with the fight. We had nailed the transfer of the taint and general rotation but the first round of mines coupled with Lightswitch often screwed us over. Once we nail the timing there we will have him!

Astaley / Meths - let me know when you want to have another run at him.
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