*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Astaley / Meths - let me know when you want to have another run at him.

I'd be up for it on Friday or Sunday night.

I'm going to buy a hundred heavy ammo synths from Xur tomorrow so will be ready.

I think I was holding us back a bit in the later runs because I was trying to conserve my heavy synths and I'll maybe switch to my hunter so that I can pop my super and go invisible when we get to the mines. If we can improve on the way we deal with them I reckon we'll get it in a few tries because we were only one or two Gally shots away in our closest run.
I'd be up for it on Friday or Sunday night.

I'm going to buy a hundred heavy ammo synths from Xur tomorrow so will be ready.

I think I was holding us back a bit in the later runs because I was trying to conserve my heavy synths and I'll maybe switch to my hunter so that I can pop my super and go invisible when we get to the mines. If we can improve on the way we deal with them I reckon we'll get it in a few tries because we were only one or two Gally shots away in our closest run.

Sunday night works for me. :)

I can always switch to my Titan if required (although the ability to effectively tank the taint with self res is quite useful).

Sunday is good for me, 8pm start again?

I don't think anyone was holding anyone back. We just need to find our own flow, and way of handling the mines. Once we have that it will be fine.
As a quick reply - run ROC strikes for armour to get to level ~ 26. This will also give you vanguard marks to you can buy a piece of armour. If you have enough strange coins (got by decoding blue engrams and running weeklies - although your level precludes you from doing this bit easily) you can buy an exotic piece of armour from Xur.

Feel free to add me to PSN as I am more than happy to grind out a few strikes with you. :)
Also can help you run some crucible so you can cap you marks there. You should be Lv32 in 1-2 weeks if you just aim to cap both of them, once you get too Lv29 you can do the weekly at the highest rank and nightfall, then your on your way :D.

PSN: TehMoe
I need to do 2 nightfalls and 2 POE 32's and 3 POE 34's.

forget doing the 35's no point unless you really want the guns that can drop. cant be bothered grinding for 2 hours when i have the 3 new exotics already
its back online, anyone fancy some poe 32? say 9? If not might lfg Crota hard, need to run my hunter through...

Xbone btw.
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Yeah put me down. I will run probably on my Mrs's character(s) as I don't need anything from the raid myself.

I can run sword on both Normal and Hard if required. I can only run it once on HM though as only her main WL is level 33.

EDIT: We had a decent run at Skolas last night. Didn't manage to kill him in the end but have massively increased our experience with the fight. We had nailed the transfer of the taint and general rotation but the first round of mines coupled with Lightswitch often screwed us over. Once we nail the timing there we will have him!

Astaley / Meths - let me know when you want to have another run at him.

I've added you guys from this list on ps4, is there anyone that I can friend? I don't have either of the dlcs as I'm waiting for the taken king to be released and I'm going to pick up all the dlc then.
Owen/Astaley - any chance we could do the 35 tomorrow or are you guys raiding then?

Theone8181 - feel free to add me mate. I don't mind helping out with stuff if you see me online.
ok cheers, as i have a young daughter i can only really do sunday nights, however i think i'd having to clock up a lot of time between now and this sunday to go from 24 to 35 :).
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