*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

And I got scout (solar) and vanilla pulse from the gold package :)

Would've preferred a void scout to go with VoC and Fang, but can't complain. More importantly, I got the Grimoire score just as Phog got within 10 points of me! :D

If you two are up for some more Trials tonight, I'd like to at least try for 5 wins to get the Hunter/Titan chest.

Im still on a bit of a break, only done one nightfall!! More importantly I'm off to see Ant Man.

Well done on doing it tho lads, I still need to work on my game, I'm a bit too impatient
Agreed on Fireborn, its very easy to predict most of the times, or people just use it too late for it too even matter, it can be deadly at times, but I feel as a super it carries way too much risk, and you really have to time it perfectly, compared to other options I don't find it great.

Depends on the game mode. In trials it can be very useful when everybody is clustered around the overtime flag. Get the quick revive helmet on and you can quick melee somebody to get the flame shield on and start reviving people. Throw out a firebolt nade quickly and you can mop up.

The key thing is with radiance however is that you want to pop when your opponents are not within shotgun range, but not so far away they have time to get snipers out or similar and defend as you rush them. Revive right next to somebody and they will likely just shotgun you before you can get the flame shield up.

For heavy rounds I normally have a super

Again, depends on the game mode. This is very handy for denying the opposition your heavy in regular crucible, but its a bit of a waste in trials. In trials the heavy round is effectively a lottery round so you're much better off just rolling that dice and saving the super for later on when it could be more crucial.
Had a good bit of fun with Midgen & Greboth in Trials last night. We started off quite rusty until we started playing to our strengths. Ended up going 9-2 which felt good given the teams we came up against (Typical case of going 5-0 up and then coming up against either a laggy team or one that made us look like we were holding our controllers upside down).

One major highlight was our 5-0 trouncing of a team which didn't even see us coming (This didn't work the second time we faced them as they were ready). We rushed left, rushed right, rushed middle and then caught them in a pincer movement in the last two games. I won't lie, it felt good. :D

Looking forward to next week now.
Well, the first edition of Trials Monday was pretty good, managed 9-2. We blew our mercy on the first match both times so if we actually start trying to go flawless I reckon we're not far off.

Next time when we're on 7 wins I won't say "well at least we haven't been steamrollered 5-0 yet" :D

First round was hilarious....three snipers, so we blink shotgun rushed them 5 rounds in a row and murdered them....then got matched with them next game, and had to change it up a bit as they got smart!

Last round was good, they were some quality players, good tactics. Really need to just change up your style and not be predictable against them, like my cheeky flanking nova bomb :D

Eye of Sol is pretty awesome in regular crucible, handling is great. Definitely sold on void walker now....nova bomb is way more of a match winner than radiance.
Last round was good, they were some quality players, good tactics. Really need to just change up your style and not be predictable against them, like my cheeky flanking nova bomb :D

Eye of Sol is pretty awesome in regular crucible, handling is great. Definitely sold on void walker now....nova bomb is way more of a match winner than radiance.

Yeah that last game was funny as I thought we were going to get steamrolled after the first two rounds. Beating them gave me a smug sense of satisfaction.

I agree on Eye of Sol. I ended up picking up three of them (one for each char) along with a second chest piece (just in case I accidently bin the first one).
Can't hurt to have extras :)

I'm loving Praedyth's Timepiece in crucible at the mo....TTK is less than a 1/10 sec more than messenger/hopscotch, and it has insane aim assist. The rapid RoF means you're more likely to get that killing shot in, handling is top notch, rapid scoping. Given the upcoming HC nerf I'm going to start sticking with it as the low impact pulse rifles aren't getting hit with the nerf bat much.
I need to try mine out. 55 All/fate is stupidly good as well. I did try using it briefly last night but the Cauldron isn't the best map to try it on.

I have tried and tried but I just can't get on with the Spare Change archetype of pulse rifles (Messenger, HSP). I can get kills with them (well SC as I don't have the other two) I just don't enjoy running them thus I would rather run something else.

I am going to play more with the my Bad Juju as well. I loved it in the last IB and want to get even better with it.
Well, the first edition of Trials Monday was pretty good, managed 9-2. We blew our mercy on the first match both times so if we actually start trying to go flawless I reckon we're not far off.

Next time when we're on 7 wins I won't say "well at least we haven't been steamrollered 5-0 yet" :D

I think with a bit more practice and a small amount of luck we could 9-0. For a first try though I think 9-2 is encouraging. I will have to try and put some time with in to bounties as both my warlock and hunter have some good pieces of armour but it needs levelling.

I need to try mine out. 55 All/fate is stupidly good as well. I did try using it briefly last night but the Cauldron isn't the best map to try it on.

I have tried and tried but I just can't get on with the Spare Change archetype of pulse rifles (Messenger, HSP). I can get kills with them (well SC as I don't have the other two) I just don't enjoy running them thus I would rather run something else.

I am going to play more with the my Bad Juju as well. I loved it in the last IB and want to get even better with it.

I think I need to try out some pulse rifles. Generally I have been collected hand cannons and scout rifles but I think I have some pulse rifles saved. After ToO I was trying some dragon strikes but crappy blue stuff :(
Depends on the game mode. In trials it can be very useful when everybody is clustered around the overtime flag. Get the quick revive helmet on and you can quick melee somebody to get the flame shield on and start reviving people. Throw out a firebolt nade quickly and you can mop up.

The key thing is with radiance however is that you want to pop when your opponents are not within shotgun range, but not so far away they have time to get snipers out or similar and defend as you rush them. Revive right next to somebody and they will likely just shotgun you before you can get the flame shield up.

Again, depends on the game mode. This is very handy for denying the opposition your heavy in regular crucible, but its a bit of a waste in trials. In trials the heavy round is effectively a lottery round so you're much better off just rolling that dice and saving the super for later on when it could be more crucial.

I don't personally play Warlocks, but that just based on what I've seen against other teams. For Heavy, its less about killing them all I find, its just distracting them long enough for my team to come as backup, I have found it either works, or they have rushed our heavy so I've gotten a free heavy. I don't normally use my super either, only use it if I'm certain I can get the kills, cause your going to die and they can res each other, but you have hopefully wasted enough time.

Had a good bit of fun with Midgen & Greboth in Trials last night. We started off quite rusty until we started playing to our strengths. Ended up going 9-2 which felt good given the teams we came up against (Typical case of going 5-0 up and then coming up against either a laggy team or one that made us look like we were holding our controllers upside down).

One major highlight was our 5-0 trouncing of a team which didn't even see us coming (This didn't work the second time we faced them as they were ready). We rushed left, rushed right, rushed middle and then caught them in a pincer movement in the last two games. I won't lie, it felt good. :D

Looking forward to next week now.

Great, I do love ToO, just tense and so much fun. Hopefully get to play with you guys this weekend.
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I agree on Eye of Sol. I ended up picking up three of them (one for each char) along with a second chest piece (just in case I accidently bin the first one).

what is so good about Eye of Sol?

Over a perfect roll her benevolence or even a standard shadow of veils.

I tend to run praedyths (normal crucible) or shadow (trials)
It just handles very nice, super quick scoping and handling. Doesn't one hit res kill, so I wouldn't run it in trials, but it's awesome in control, rumble etc.
Sooooo just finished off the weekly nightfall and finally got my long awaited and anticipated Gjally rocket launcher:D:D. Quite pleased with finally getting one, now just have to level it up for some destructive goodness lol.

Anywho going to set up a Crota raid for Thurs night, will be hard mode as I need to try and get some primary weapons with burns on it so makes nightfalls a little bit more easier. At the moment only have weapons with kinetic damage including my primary exotics.

So leave your name down below, Crota raid HARD mode Thurs 8 pm-ish.

1. r0gue360

Btw did I mention I got a Gjally tonight??....:D
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