Tuesday 7pm King's Fall raid PS4
Light level is 290 right? Going in blind.
1) middgen - 287
2) ic1male - 294
3) OweO - 291
4) Jorja86 - 287
5) BurtimusII - 290
Tuesday 7pm King's Fall raid PS4
Light level is 290 right? Going in blind.
1) middgen - 287
2) ic1male - 294
3) OweO - 291
4) Jorja86 - 287
5) BurtimusII - 290
As long as you keep quiet and let us figure it out. No spoilers!
Missed the sign up I'll go down as reserve unless enough people also want to a blind raid too.
can one any lend a hand with weekly nightfall i can solo it up to the last boss but when he starts to charge its game over.
Psn is saaad___pandaaa (3 underscores ) will be on most of the day
Anyone up for nightfall or those annoying taken quests? They got bored before I can run around and find them let alone kill them all most of the time. P
GT: Dangerous mavu
Mrs said you can take her place.
Line up will be:
1) middgen - 287
2) ic1male - 294
3) OweO - 291
4) Greboth - 291
5) BurtimusII - 290
6) apatia7 -293
If your mrs sure, I don't want to rob a place from her. I am currently 291 but have some engrams I haven't decoded so might be a little higher.
Thought we had a big list with people wanting to do the raid??
I'll LFG
Thought we had a big list with people wanting to do the raid??
I'll LFG
I'm up for the raid but have only just hit 287 light - I can't find a heavy weapon anywhere.
I'll be posting in here fr a group once I hit the magical 290.