*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Tuesday 7pm King's Fall raid PS4

Light level is 290 right? Going in blind.

1) middgen - 287
2) ic1male - 294
3) OweO - 291
4) Jorja86 - 287
5) BurtimusII - 290
6) apatia7 -293


I've spent few hours doing the raid already, will I be allowed too help?
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Anyone up for nightfall or those annoying taken quests? They got bored before I can run around and find them let alone kill them all most of the time. P

GT: Dangerous mavu
can one any lend a hand with weekly nightfall i can solo it up to the last boss but when he starts to charge its game over.

Psn is saaad___pandaaa (3 underscores ) will be on most of the day
Missed the sign up :( I'll go down as reserve unless enough people also want to a blind raid too.

Mrs said you can take her place. :)

Line up will be:

1) middgen - 287
2) ic1male - 294
3) OweO - 291
4) Greboth - ???
5) BurtimusII - 290
6) apatia7 -293

can one any lend a hand with weekly nightfall i can solo it up to the last boss but when he starts to charge its game over.

Psn is saaad___pandaaa (3 underscores ) will be on most of the day

Mrs and I need a hand with it if you are on tonight (8ish)? PSN is OweO

Anyone up for nightfall or those annoying taken quests? They got bored before I can run around and find them let alone kill them all most of the time. P

GT: Dangerous mavu

PS4 or Xbone? If PS4 my ID is OweO. Happy to run stuff.

Slowly creeping up on Pigtails now. 292 is my current max. I stupidly bought the Eris class items when I hit rank 5, I wasn't paying attention and wasted 120 marks... :o
Mrs said you can take her place. :)

Line up will be:

1) middgen - 287
2) ic1male - 294
3) OweO - 291
4) Greboth - 291
5) BurtimusII - 290
6) apatia7 -293

If your mrs sure, I don't want to rob a place from her. I am currently 291 but have some engrams I haven't decoded so might be a little higher.
Thought we had a big list with people wanting to do the raid??

I'll LFG

Yeah I started a lost a couple weeks ago about people who are interesting in a 'blind' raid. As I didn't want to raid with people who had raided previously or watched streams. The fun is trying to figure it all out as it is supposed to be. There were 10-12 people who said the same so should be able to get a second group together.
Anyone want to jump in the rest of a Nightfall? Friend left and now we are finding it impossible to 2man it. Need to be 275+ light.

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I'm up for the raid but have only just hit 287 light - I can't find a heavy weapon anywhere.

I'll be posting in here fr a group once I hit the magical 290.
So hit 294 today and have done up to the first check point on the raid. Even at this early stage it is equally joyous and frustrating in equal measures. I can see getting to 300 is going to be really frustrating. Anyway if there is going to be an xb1 raid count me in.
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