*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

If you're near 290 that's more than enough Yas.

Well I'm now at 294 but won't be able to make tonight's raid buddy. Next time one is set up, I'll definitely join up. Looks my my regular crew that I did weekly nfs and raids have booted me out :( lol.

I'm only joking, they haven't really...
Anyone want to meet up with an Ex Pat for some Early Sunday Raiding? Thinking about 10am UK time Sunday morning :)
Thanks so much choice for the run last night chaps, haven't laughed so much in a long time! That poor American kid though, took SO much crap from everyone lol.

Am so tired this morning though!
Last night was a blast. Thanks guys. If you are up for trying to complete the strike tonight I am up for it. Say 8:30ish start again?

I also need a hand with the court of oryx. Tier three. I only have 8 fragments left to collect and I know two are in the raid still.
Currently trying to kill the warpriest at moment, can categorically say this raid is hard as nails. Got a team of randoms, seem to be a good bunch of lads but not having much luck with the warpriest...mainly due to our timing which is off but getting there slowly. Almost had him on our second time but I got confused and died lol.
Just done my first KF raid, well, at least up until Oryx. Certainly not enjoying it as much as VoG. In fact, once I finally kill Oryx, I think I'll start work on another character.

So, I have a checkpoint for Oryx, would you guys like to help me out? Obviously you'll need to be patient with me whilst I master the mechanics.
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