*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I was on but didn't get or notice any invites? Should be on later too...

Ahh, ok, I didn't see you on my friends list either.

It was a case of the blind leading the blind last night haha, but hope you had a good laugh.

I may not be able to make it for 9pm tonight guys, so please feel feel to invite someone else. I'll definitely be back for 11pm though.

uniQ - I saw that you were in the kings fall raid with the other fireteam so we just left you to it. No harm done :)

No worries, we should have a full team tonight if you are about later.
Ah fair enough.

Are Y1 weapons even still relevant in Crucible now? Does the matchmaking also even out those?
Yeah, Year 1 weapons are fine in the standard Crucible. However, when Iron Banner rolls around next week you'll want Year 2 gear as the level advantages make a difference in that.
Tuesday 9pm - King's Fall - PS4:

1) Drunzer
2) CoreyMcK20
3) TehMoe

Can knock this out in 1 run hopefully. Moe I've put you down cause you're usually good with a 9pm start, let me know if I'm mistaken.
My god, this raid doesn't look annoying at all haha! I'll be needing all the Fragments from this as well, just to be awkward.

It's pretty good fun, the only really annoying bit so far is Deathsingers imo. Platforming sections are always difficult for some people so not being able to select the jumper here is a PITA, at least you can nominate a jumper for Oryx.
Tuesday 9pm - King's Fall - PS4:

1) Drunzer
2) CoreyMcK20
3) TehMoe
4) Meths
5) AStaley

Can knock this out in 1 run hopefully. Moe I've put you down cause you're usually good with a 9pm start, let me know if I'm mistaken.

I'd be up for a run at that time.
I wouldn't mind going through the three house of wolves strikes and some Court of Oryx shenanigans on X1 if anyone else does one evening this week?
Tuesday 9pm - King's Fall - PS4:

1) Drunzer
2) CoreyMcK20
3) TehMoe
4) Meths
5) AStaley
6) sk8board_pete

All set.

I'd be up for this if you are struggling for players, im 294 light hunter and not done kings fall yet. So you can help a noob

Yeah that's fine we'll take you through, although I would highly recommend studying up on the Deathsingers and Oryx fight. This raid is very mechanics heavy, I would say even more so than Vault of Glass. The majority of it can be explained as we go but those last 2 fights can be very overwhelming if it's your first time and when we explain it, you're probably going to feel overloaded with information. It's just a bit of advice and I would never tell anybody how to play or approach an activity but it's just based off what I have seen happen to other people.
Assuming no raid runs tonight I will be on my Warlock up to the Deathsingers and then will switch to my hunter. I need to get one of them finished on the quest steps... :p

Golden Gun is just too useful on Oryx.

Greboth and I have completed the raid so can provide guidance as appropriate on Oryx (there is a lot to take in) - I would say we are in no way experts.... We have a better spot for DPS on the Deathsingers as well (don't have to worry about adds as much).

Should be a good bit of fun.

I said I wouldn't bring my hunter but thinking about it, I have some old armour to infuse my hunter so it could be ~292 so I could bring if we don't have another hunter for DPS on Oryx.

I am not sure how much use I will be for guidance though, I have run the Oryx fight however many times and still run around going oh god oh god we're all going to die :D

My god, this raid doesn't look annoying at all haha! I'll be needing all the Fragments from this as well, just to be awkward.

There is 4 isn't there? I have 3 of them and want to get the fourth on the way through. The one I am missing is I think really easy to get with the only slightly awkward one being in the maze as I don't know where it is.
There is 4 isn't there? I have 3 of them and want to get the fourth on the way through. The one I am missing is I think really easy to get with the only slightly awkward one being in the maze as I don't know where it is.

5 actually. One after the ship jumping puzzle. One before the Warpriest. One after the Warpriest. One in the maze. One in the piston jump area.

Edit: The one in the maze is left at the first junction, then left at the next junction, then at the back of that area on the right side.
I thought I had 3 and was missing 1, I shall have to double check if I have got 4 or missing 2. I have done a reasonable job and found 30 of them before I gave up and looked at the ones I am missing but cba searching anymore so I will have to check a guide before the next raid to make sure I have them all.
Fuuuuuu. Put me down as an alternate in case anyone bails/ragequits/poos themself.

Ah, sorry Burt =( Forgot about ye. Might be something to do with the ledges you keep shoulder charging me off but who knows man. Got you down as an alternate, my 2nd character is pretty decently geared now so I'll definitely be looking to raid twice this week. Think Corey is the same.
Ah, sorry Burt =( Forgot about ye. Might be something to do with the ledges you keep shoulder charging me off but who knows man. Got you down as an alternate, my 2nd character is pretty decently geared now so I'll definitely be looking to raid twice this week. Think Corey is the same.

Depending on how my raid group gets on tonight and times I have an alt I can run through the raid later in the week too.
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