*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

I'll be on Friday night guys if you want a hand again, always a good laugh :). Can't play Thursday though because I'm on nights. Will play until the early hours on Friday though.

If you guys wanna make a start on it on Thursday I'm happy to jump in wherever you've got to on Friday night and we'll get it completed. You're pretty much guaranteed some armour and a couple weapons from the last few sections of the raid so we'll get everyone towards 300 light too. I can run a (non-bubble :p) Titan or hunter now.

I'll put my name down and just let me know what's going on. Obviously anyone can replace me on Thursday and if you guys wanna stick together Friday that's cool.

I'll prob be around and can help if needed as well but don't want to take up a space of someone who needs to do it
Last night's raid was the most fun I have had in a while, especially with all the different mechanics.

I'm glad the jumping parts had checkpoints though. It was pretty funny experiencing the pistons for the first time without being warned beforehand.
Anyone able to hold my hand through a T1 Court of Oryx run pls? I have 13 Reciprocal Runes and a Stolen Rune that's says I need to kill 3 Oryx Lieutenants.
Originally Posted by davetherave2 View Post
So Xbox One peeps lets get another raid going this week.

Hopefully we can get a little further this week and finally take oryx down.

Looking to start Friday 8pm. Now that we are more experienced with the raid hopefully we can get past golgorath quicker.

1) Je11y Master (297+) Titan
2) FunkyStrawberry (290+) Warlock
3) Burpsnart77
4) R0gue360 (296 Hunter)
5) Milkychaos (300+ Titan/Hunter)
6) Wardyp

If people are up for it I am happy to do the first couple of stages (say up to warpriest) Thursday night so that Friday we can finally try and take Oryx Down.

Ive been enjoying the friday night raids always fun. Im working away so wont be back till friday night though
Anyone able to hold my hand through a T1 Court of Oryx run pls? I have 13 Reciprocal Runes and a Stolen Rune that's says I need to kill 3 Oryx Lieutenants.

What light level are you? Tier 1 court of oryx is easy to do solo. Even the T3 this week is easy with two people.
One thing to remember with the Court of Oryx is that the difficulty (or more the health of the enemies) scales with the amount of people playing. Whilst it fun to smash up the Tiers with 8/9 people it is also a lot harder than say having 2-4 people (for one it makes bosses such as the two knights harder as they tend not to stick together as much when you have people running around everywhere). The Ogre is a nightmare as the cursed Thrall die due to player proximity before getting anywhere near him.
Happy to help out if you are on Xbox One gt: Je11y Master

This weeks is pretty fun with having no radar. I'm usually on from around 8pm.

Mate I added u yesterday, just letting u know in case you were wondering lol. I can join in on the raid tonight, usually on after 8pm.

Nf's?? Can't see the point of doing it anymore but I'm always up for a run through, again just send me an invite and I'll join up.
Mate I added u yesterday, just letting u know in case you were wondering lol. I can join in on the raid tonight, usually on after 8pm.

Nf's?? Can't see the point of doing it anymore but I'm always up for a run through, again just send me an invite and I'll join up.

Not a problem. I think with the majority of people not able to make it until Friday I think I will hold off the start until then.

I think Nightfall's still have their place as they are always fun to do with the different modifiers.

Although if you fancy giving me a hand with the exotic sword quest that would be great just need to finish the 300 light mission (so close to doing it last time with HairyHen)
Ok gonna get next week arranged. I've now done 6 or so runs every time taking new people through and I only get one shot a week to raid, so there are requirements. Been off sick today and spent 4 hours taking new people through until giving up at deathsingers again, I've earned the right to an experienced run :) I still haven't even seen Oryx.

Tuesday 7pm GMT PS4 King's fall.

295+ and must know up to and including the deathsinger's encounter. No waiting for jumping sections/chests. Pencilling in usual regulars

1) middgen
2) OweO
3) Greboth
I've just been running the raid with ransoms for a laugh before work on my alternate character (still gunna play on Friday with you guys). Managed to go from gologorth to oryx in 45 mins complete. :)

I have been watching some you tube videos of the end two bosses and the mechanics are very similar in terms of platform jumping to the death singers (lets pray that funky doesn't have to do jumping :D or at least he is not it against Oryx)

Oryx has a bit more (maybe understating that a wee bit) going on compared to the other bosses but I think after a few runs we should be able to knock him down to size.

Hopefully we will see how well the sleeper simulant does (when I eventually get it this evening) .
Not a problem. I think with the majority of people not able to make it until Friday I think I will hold off the start until then.

I think Nightfall's still have their place as they are always fun to do with the different modifiers.

Although if you fancy giving me a hand with the exotic sword quest that would be great just need to finish the 300 light mission (so close to doing it last time with HairyHen)

Yep sure no problem, always happy to give someone a helping hand. God knows how many times I've asked or had people help me through.
1) Je11y Master (297+) Titan
2) FunkyStrawberry (290+) Warlock
3) Burpsnart77
4) R0gue360 (296 Hunter)
5) Milkychaos (300+ Titan/Hunter)
6) Wardyp
7) WKD5

I'll go on the reserve if anyone doesn't make it :)
Ok gonna get next week arranged. I've now done 6 or so runs every time taking new people through and I only get one shot a week to raid, so there are requirements. Been off sick today and spent 4 hours taking new people through until giving up at deathsingers again, I've earned the right to an experienced run :) I still haven't even seen Oryx.

Tuesday 7pm GMT PS4 King's fall.

295+ and must know up to and including the deathsinger's encounter. No waiting for jumping sections/chests. Pencilling in usual regulars

1) middgen
2) OweO
3) Greboth

Yup, count me in.
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