7pm is fine with me.
PS4 7pm Tonight (tues 20th)
1. mctrials23
2. ZG002
3. sk8board_pete
Well as it is a new week lets get the usual XB1 Friday night raid occurring.
Starting 8pm (but we all know that never happens )
1. Je11y Master Titan (300 - 302)
2. MilkyChaos???
Managed to get to Oryx yesterday but the group I was with kept having disconnect issues so maybe this will be the week that I finally take old Oryx down.
7pm is fine with me.
PS4 7pm Tonight (tues 20th)
1. mctrials23
2. ZG002
3. Mafoo
I won't steal a spot just yet as I assume you've got regulars, but if it gets to Friday and there's still a space, I can jump in. I was too late signing up to my regular group for the hard mode, so I'm currently raid-less
Pete 8 the earliest you can do?
Anyone else?
Well as it is a new week lets get the usual XB1 Friday night raid occurring.
Starting 8pm (but we all know that never happens )
1. Je11y Master Titan (300 - 302)
2. MilkyChaos???
3. r0gue360
Managed to get to Oryx yesterday but the group I was with kept having disconnect issues so maybe this will be the week that I finally take old Oryx down.
Did 2 runs last night on VoG so that's 11 runs on that raid now, and still no Vision of Confluence Jay is indeed the jammiest of jammy gits. I did get ANOTHER Gjallarhorn drop tho
Be on in a couple minutes, car broke down so got home late just downloading firmeare update.
God dammit Greeboth you organized this and you are late tut tut......
Well as it is a new week lets get the usual XB1 Friday night raid occurring.
Starting 8pm (but we all know that never happens )
1. Je11y Master Titan (300 - 302)
2. MilkyChaos???
3. R0gue360
4. BurpSnart77
Managed to get to Oryx yesterday but the group I was with kept having disconnect issues so maybe this will be the week that I finally take old Oryx down.
Yeah good run, 1hr15 wasn't it? Apart from that disorganised first oryx run it all went smooth, nice to take the sisters down first time.
Total poop drops for me, 300 and 302 armour, another 304 sniper with a terrible roll. Back to 40 moldering shards though which is the main thing
HM on Tuesday? I might end up having time on the weekend to give it a crack but not sure yet.
Anyone fancy a run of the nightfall tonight??
8pm start Xbox one:
1. R0gue360