Which console? Happy to lend a helping hand if on PS4.
(I have completed NM a few times and been up to Oryx on HM).
PS4 - King's Fall - Hard Mode - Wednesday (28th) - 8:30pm
1) Drunzer
2) CoreyMcK20
3) TehMoe
4) OweO
5) Turbo_Nuter
6) middgen
Got you!
Yeah PS4 dude, i'm on PSN as fringe_element. I've got my brother and two work mates so far, all are mid 290's but we've just not got round to the raid yet! I'll send you a message tonight or tomorrow (got family down at the moment ) but we're all good for Thursday with you and one more.
On a run with work guys this evening, some have cleared oryx HM. Currently one short so might need someone, can give you a bell if you're online? Will be 7pm UK start.
Should be on by then, if you need one drop us invite. I would bring my hunter for this, should be 308/309 depending on what part were at, possibly higher with the right drops
I'd be up for the NM run.
PS4 - NM King's Fall - Weds 28th
1. mctrials23 - 299 hunter
3. Silas1972 - 297 titan
4. Vin_man66 - 294 hunter
5. TehBluebear - 301 Hunter
6. sk8board_pete - 301 hunter
Originally Posted by yimpster View Post
Done. Sounds like a plan
XBONE Tuesday 27th October 8pm - Kings Fall NM
1) Yimpy - Lvl 296 Hunter
2) thoseion - 310 Warlock
3) Ehhh Mazin - 305+ something
4) Je11y Master -302 Titan
5) Ultim8Dave -
FYI -Total n00b - i've not run this raid at all.
Happy to run a raid tonight.
So looks like 1 spot available for NM tomorrow night as middgen is doing HM
8.00pm still ok?
I can join you if you need another.
Cool, so looks like this now:
PS4 - NM King's Fall - Weds 28th
1. mctrials23 - 299 hunter
2. DavieM66 - ??
3. Silas1972 - 297 titan
4. Vin_man66 - 294 hunter
5. TehBluebear - 301 Hunter
6. sk8board_pete - 301 hunter
Out of curiosity, how many of us have actually done this/know what to do? We also seem to have an abundance of hunters
Think the 7:30pm HM tonight is short, OweO and I can't make it.
Hah, exactly same with me, can't get raid helm or 310 engram at all! 297 helm on my main still
PS4 King's Fall HM Tuesday 7:30pm
2) OweO
4) apatia7
Sorry guys forgot I said I was gonna run HM with the guys from work this week!