But this changes depending on who you play with, I've done trails with a varying skill of players, if your team sucks you will suck, if you have great players on your team your allowed to perform better. You can still be carried, and I've found there is always someone(s) carrying each match, with me I've found its normally we have 1/2 people with similar kills and 1 lagging behind. Using myself as an example I got 3kills/0deaths 1 match, clearly I was carried but my KD was 3.0, compared too me going 13/9 with a KD of 1.44 where I was doing more of the carrying.
Also the match Drunzer was talking about was near impossible, the dude just didn't take damage. I mean there really isn't much too do if the person is taking 0 damage. The first match against them they where laggy but we won, we got matched again and 1 player just took no damage, snipe him nothing, Drunzer actual super'd and hit him and it still did nothing. He could always res people all over the map, we got him down a few times where the lag did drop a bit but overall its very difficult if your skill level is pretty equal and someone cheats.
But we didn't go flawless cause I've not personally played the map before and was lacking when it came too knowledge of where to snipe from. My res sniping game was off too, I've not sniped enough in 2.0 and not used too the new scope. It doesn't allow me to be aggressive enough. I didn't do my fair share, we normally have me/Corey sniping and he had too do more of the lifting this match, I missed an alarming amount of res snipes (Not really tried too res snipe since 2.0 dropped) and it costs us the game.
We have gone flawless with all are characters ever week for a long time now and I'm sure we will again soon enough.