Destiny was pretty generous with loot tonight! One HM raid put out the following:
320 Ghost shell
319 Titan Mark
314 Pulse
316 Fusion
314 Fusion
303 Fusion (yup, 3 fusions from one raid!)
308 Chest
306 Chest
I then did a Nightfall and got:
310 Insurmountable Skullfort (as end reward)
310 Mask of the Third Man (exotic engram that fell from boss)
310 Zhalo Supercell (legendary engram from Cryptarch package after cashing in the exotic)
Darkblade Helm (fell from boss)
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Decent haul there, really need to get a hard mode raid done at some point. Done a few normal mode raids and got some decent drops. But a lot of the times, I don't get anything great from the nf's. Which kinda sucks lol, RNG has a lot to answer for me in regards to me