Well given that it is currently just you and me signed up for the evening raid it is probably best to cancel.
Funky can't make it till at least 11pm (has to work)
HairyHen said he might be on but not till later.
So it probably easiest to cancel.
I have actually signed up for a raid via 100.io myself for 8pm so will be doing that instead.
I am purely running this now to get more comfortable with the mechanics of the daughters and oryx. Managed to run the raid last night in under 2 hours so hoping I can run it quicker tonight.
I cruised through hard mode with an LFG group last night up to Oryx and they decided we were doing the no knights strategy. It looks to me like a total mess of a way to do things with ogres running off all over the place and no one really sure what orb they're meant to be running for.
The group were flabbergasted when I suggested we just kill the ogres and shoot the knights.
I'm sure my brother vinman66 would be available if you can't get anybody else. Do we all have the same checkpoint?
I don't have the checkpoint but as long as the fireteam leader does we shall start at the CP. If it goes ahead I shall be bring my alt so I get the drops for the bits we get through.
Oweneades, that would be great if you could help us out.
Cheers greeboth that would be great. I'll see if we can cobble together a team.
Bluebear and daz, that sounds like a plan. I'll be on relatively early so I'll keep an eye out and message you guys.
In theory we have
up for a run with you chaps if you needs moi.
should be on about 8.
Cool, shall we make it 8 then as it looks like we have 6
If you and greeboth could rock up at 9 that would be great zoomee. Hopefully with you two it won't take long to finish!
You got anything good yet sonny?
Right guys we are ready to go when you are.