*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Nice, just watched the sparrow video, I'll be up for some racing before the raid :) 4 so far...couple more to make the numbers?


Quick Reminder that the new/upgraded Y1 exotics are out with the patch so hold off the nightfalls (if you still do them) till after it drops. Y2 Bones of Eao please :D
Don't think it's been figured out yet....people tried doing two gazeholders and all six orbs.

I think it's going to be different gazeholders, different orbs...
So le challenge is up.

Seems like you have to do 6 orbs with 6 gaze takers, which will be interesting. But as long as everyone communicates it should be doable. It also looks like you can clear it one full rotation if you go hard enough, but that teams have done it in 2 rotations (apparently its ok to loose the gaze after 6 orbs have been used)

Edit: Should post faster
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We did it using only 2 orbs. Everyone must take the gaze per cycle, but we only damage on the first two orbs to take 1/3rd of his health. 6 gaze holders in total, 3 cycles. Once we do damage on the two orbs, everyone jumps out and separately takes the gaze as soon as the back crit spot opens. This resets the phase.

Quoted from Reddit. Seems like a good work around.
Well the raid might be full for tonight, but who fancies some NF action ahead of it? I'm up for anything to be honest, but NF seems the best bet.

Say 7pm, maybe earlier if people are already online?

1. Makhaira_
So how do u get into the sparrow races?? Not sure if the update has landed?? I've just logged in and usually before it lets me log in, it will pop up with a screen saying update downloading/installing etc.

Unless it's happening later today?? I've just loaded up the raid and it has the golgoroth challenge so I'm assuming the update has landed??
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