I disagree here. Sure, ToM is readily available now and HM has proven out an efficient strategy. So running a bubble team up top with blessings makes for nice quick ogres.
But when NM first came out though, we just had 2 players + 1 float on each ogre, they still go down quickly with that many snipers, regardless of class.
I guess I am so used to running my titan and float in the middle (unless no one else wants to run relic) that I have never really noticed how the other classes handle the ogres.
The group I was with last night knew what they were doing but we did seem to struggle with that third/fourth ogre (from what was being called out it seemed that most of them were making a run for it as soon as they spawned and the usual bungie glitch - this may have been down to a poor connection from one of the players) - plus I don't think there were that many major ToM's/ high impact snipers in play which added to the difficulty.
I think at least 50% of the team were running alts that had only really had enough time put into them to get them raid ready. i.e. 290 - 300 light, hence our only titan didn't have any bubbles.
I guess I feel more comfortable doing a raid where we have a more balanced line-up rather than having the team dominated by one class.
I get the feeling that a lot of people in the destiny community use the hunter as their main.
I have been involved in a number of "kindergarden" raids via the100.io which primarily helped me understand what was going on after completing the raid with Jay and co. Now that I have completed the raid a dozen or so times and if I am acting as "sherpa" for the group I like to drip feed the hard mode strategies into normal mode (although lets be fair other than oryx the strategies are the same for both normal and hard mode - daughters seems to be more down to if you do it in 2/3 attempts, 3 purely to give those less comfortable with jumping time and takes the pressure off and also giving that fourth attempt if needed).
I don't profess to be a "raid expert" but I feel confident enough to take a less experienced group through from start to finish at least on normal mode.
So when they have ran the normal mode a few times there isn't too much of a shock when it comes to doing the HM so having those weapons and blessing bubbles in the middle gets them used to timings and the general mechanics (I prefer doing the knights rather than no knights strategy when it comes to HM. - again personal preference here purely down to the groups I have played HM with use that strategy.) Although I have only 1 HM completion to my name (as oryx always seems to get us right at the end or not enough damage is done to the shade) at the minute a team of 312+ is probably required to make things "comfortable" (this week was the first week I faced oryx and didn't see orange numbers I had been stuck at 309 for so long), those wp drops helped a lot to finally crack that 310 barrier.
I think the raid becomes easier if you are playing with the same group of people week in week out which seems like the PS4 guys do on here, then I agree maybe not having those two titans is fine as everyone in the group will generally do the same thing. i.e. gaze holder, relic runner, (maybe even a dedicated aura runner for wp), but given that I play most of my raids now via the100 I very rarely play with the same line up every week so have to get used to peoples way of playing as they do my way of playing which can make for some interesting games and at times means games are probably longer than they probably should be, especially if there are "less experienced players" in the raid and remember we were all that player at some point.