You guys looking forward to IB. I think it starts at 6.
I hope my 309 Hunter will be enough to compete. I've not had time to get the HM raid gear and I'm not sure if hunter is best PVP class anymore anyway. The void subclass is great for PVE but I can't see it's utility on PVP unless it's for wiping a cap point, and other supers can do that better anyway (e.g., Warlock void). I might go with my Warlock even though it's only 305.
Levels make a difference, but not a big difference. I certainly don't notice it that much.
For hunters, any of the subclasses can hold their own in PVP. I'd probably lean towards bladedancer, because you can get good kill streaks with your super, and invisibility is underrated in PVP. I know everyone says it's useless because people can still see your shimmering outline, but I find it does cause them to hesitate a precious fraction of a second while they work out if they really saw something.
Also, blink. Because blink is the best.
Right, time to get some raids organised I reckon...
Wednesday 6th - Normal Mode
8pm start, will do challenge.
1. Mak
2. TehBluebear
Friday 8th - Hard Mode
8pm start, will do challenge.
1. Mak
2. TehBluebear (tentative; just shy of 310 w/ Spindle equipped)
Saturday 9th - Hard Mode
7pm start, will do challenge.
1. Mak
Who's up for a bit of nostalgia?
PS4 - VoG/CE NM/HM (doesn't really matter) - 13/01/16 ~8PM start
- OweO
- Mid_Gen ?
- DavieM66?
- TehBluebear
Who will die first? Who wants to be knocked off the map when I wield the relic? Who will get an exotic from Ir Yut? Will Moe be on time?