Our Regular raiding party is:
1. Fr0dders
2. Martin
3. GetSomeNuts
4. Rob75
5. Krisboats
That leaves one space. Not sure about Rob, Martin, Kris, but I think I'd like to try and find another 6th person to make up that regular raiding party and stick to it every week, rather than what we currently do which is find a random 6th person every time.
And to do it on hard, you've got to be level 29 or 30. At level 28 you just take too much damage from the minotaurs, and can't dish enough out. Martin can attest to just how much being level 28 hampers you.
You're welcome to join if you're level 29 or above, any offers ?
Level 29 Titan, I can make 7.30pm onwards most nights