Added. Have you done it before?
Xbox One - Normal mode - Tuesday 9:30pm start
1) gord
2) Duck
3) Assassin
4) Jones
5) Parko
6) thoseion
Yeah, only twice though.
Added. Have you done it before?
Xbox One - Normal mode - Tuesday 9:30pm start
1) gord
2) Duck
3) Assassin
4) Jones
5) Parko
6) thoseion
Added. Have you done it before?
Xbox One - Normal mode - Tuesday 9:30pm start
1) gord
2) Duck
3) Assassin
4) Jones
5) Parko
6) thoseion
That's fine, we'll just have 2 30s instead. If we get Mars teleports it shouldn't make much if a difference.
Just to confirm then...
Drunzer + 1
I'll be on around 8 ish I think, maybe earlier if the wife gets bored of TV![]()
Again thanks again for all the help earlier guys, was nice to get it done as Hard Atheon just is such a pain in the are lately...
This was great tonight guys. Sorry you couldn't make it Drunzer, but I'm sure we'll all be doing it again this week![]()
No need to apologise, real life always take priority over a gameDavey I'd like to apologise for being unable to help out last night, something came up that was out of my control but I'm just glad Corey was there to help regardless. I'm usually pretty reliable Monday to Thursday from 9 onwards, can push 8 if needed some days just need to know in advance.
Everything up until Atheon is fine for 29s but now he cant be (easily) cheesed a few 30s give some breathing room and allow minor mistakes to be pulled back. Id say keep trying but pull back to normal Atheon when it becomes frustratingThe group I raid with are all 29s but Corey mentioned you guys reckon it will be pretty tough to do without a few 30s, I might just run it on normal with those guys and if there's space with you guys I'm available for hard.
The group I raid with are all 29s but Corey mentioned you guys reckon it will be pretty tough to do without a few 30s, I might just run it on normal with those guys and if there's space with you guys I'm available for hard.
I would suggest at least x3 30's. The reason is if all the 29's get teleported to Venus it doesn't often end well for them. Having a 30 running the relic is pretty important. We also realised the relic holder thinning out the supplicants when he comes through is essential as well.
Line up for this week fellas:
PSN Friday night 20:30 - normal mode then hard mode run time permitting.
1)- Zoomeez - Hunter 29
2)- oHutchyo - Warlock 29
3)- Sieze2 - Warlock 30
4)- SGWills - Titan 29
5)- chewie9967 - Hunter 29
6)- Dr3ddPS - Warlock 29 / 30?
Polynomial - Ps3udo
If anyone wants to sign up for the reserves please feel free, poly will probably run a separate raid if there's enough peeps - I'm happy to organise for now![]()
Can I get a reserve spot.. Gt Auty71 lvl29 Titan.