Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Square Enix Reveal new Deus Ex)

I started Human Revolution tonight in preparation. I love the game, but honestly it hasn't held up very well tbh!

I hope there is proper mele in the new one?..And leaning would be very welcome. I hope they learn a lot from Dishonered.

My main hopes for improvement are:

1. It really does need a graphical leap. With no cutscenes completely different to engine graphics!
2. A few technical issues that made no sense- Silly fall damage and only being able to sprint for 3 seconds!
3. Some new mechanics such as being able to distract enemies, and being able to grab ledges.
4. Mele!
5. Better thought out Augs and Aug progression. And in conjunction with this, I hope we start with a good baseline of Augs already. No more upgrading to another 2 seconds of sprint, or an aug which allows you to move a box that my mum would be able to move!

Maybe a lot of this has already been revealed?...I haven't really looked that deeply tbh.
It's on pre-order at for £23.99, anybody found a better price than that?

It's £24.99 now, and cheapest I have seen.

Getting really confused about various packs/prices.

CD keys version appears to be standard version + extra skins (but advertised as DLC despite no mention of extra mission)

Steam has multiple versions, all quite expensive.
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Using JULY25 code from GMG, you can get:

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe Edition £48.74
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided £29.99

I picked up Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe Edition for £50 from GMG when they had a 23% off code, but I got them to refund me the difference :D
dont like his face - think they changed it ever so slightly from DE:HR. Or different person doing the art/anims for it or smt.

edit: like everything else
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I started Human Revolution tonight in preparation. I love the game, but honestly it hasn't held up very well tbh!

I hope there is proper mele in the new one?..And leaning would be very welcome. I hope they learn a lot from Dishonered.

My main hopes for improvement are:

1. It really does need a graphical leap. With no cutscenes completely different to engine graphics!
2. A few technical issues that made no sense- Silly fall damage and only being able to sprint for 3 seconds!
3. Some new mechanics such as being able to distract enemies, and being able to grab ledges.
4. Mele!
5. Better thought out Augs and Aug progression. And in conjunction with this, I hope we start with a good baseline of Augs already. No more upgrading to another 2 seconds of sprint, or an aug which allows you to move a box that my mum would be able to move!

Maybe a lot of this has already been revealed?...I haven't really looked that deeply tbh.
Grabbing ledges is in.

No melee from what I've seen. Same cutscene animation to knock out enemies or whatever if you get close.
Melee is still limited to takedown animations unfortunately, but they have made it so that you can perform them from cover, whereas in DEHR you had to come out of cover or let them come past - unbelievable thinking back!
you can also upgrade the Magnum with explosive rounds because that kills everything....but for the boss fights all you need is the rocket launcher or the grenade launcher, because either of these will kill the bosses in about 3 seconds, without these it takes much longer with you dieing quite a few times :cool:

Deus Ex is the only game i've ever played where the boss fights seem about right......i.e not too much health that spoils it !!

i think Deux Ex is the best game, because its plot and story and how you react to it has real meaning, the ending bought a tear to my eye, it's like watching a really good old film.

Deux Ex is a masterpiece as is Dishonored, because i got quite upset when Daud still died in the end of his DLC, so i replayed the main game and this time i saved his life ha ha.......... it felt really good.

these two new games coming out soon, i cant wait, because all the other games seem dead in comparison.

have been rocking the explode magnum but I like to try and get through without being seen.

As far as storytelling/etc. I MUCH agree. There's quite a bit of engagement with the characters that felt pretty well done (in the way a film would try and draw you in).
The part where... a female is "downed" especially had me replay it a good few times the first time through as I wasn't happy to accept loosing her. This time it took 2 tries before I remembered how I changed up my style for that area completely (to very fast and hard, there's quite a few guys to clear quickly to save her).
But... that's a nice part of this, the mechanics were a bit weak in places, sure. The story and atmosphere though are/were excellent.
Using JULY25 code from GMG, you can get:

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe Edition £48.74
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided £29.99

I picked up Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe Edition for £50 from GMG when they had a 23% off code, but I got them to refund me the difference :D

Voucher not working.

Nm, got it from cdkeys. Might not be as good at the GMG base version, but could just be poorly advertised and actually the same version (pre order/day 1 version) with free mission, more gear, etc. Will get the pass some other time.
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As a long time fan of the series (including IW...) I can't wait for this to release. The original still stands as one of my favourite games and the only game to date that I have played through many times. Roll on the 23rd.
As a long time fan of the series (including IW...) I can't wait for this to release. The original still stands as one of my favourite games and the only game to date that I have played through many times. Roll on the 23rd.


Same here. Even though IW was not as good as good as the original, it was still a good game and I enjoyed it. Played it many times on the PC over the years too :)

I have played the original so many times over the years with all sorts of mods. Great game and story.

Cannot wait, not too long left now :D
Just started playing this again, 4K SLI on a 55' TV this time round however.

Was wondering why i can remember so many routes through the game, then i realised i have played it through 3 times already.

Picked up the collection for under a fiver a few days ago, would have been rude not to :D
I think I might give it another playthrough as well. I remember the first time I played it in 2000, exploring the different routes and strategies was great. I distinctly remember throwing Maggie Chow out of the window of her apartment, just to see how the game would react:D
I wanted to play the last one, but the aiming was so sluggish and horrible for a FPS game. I could never get past the first area. Horrible :(
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