Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Square Enix Reveal new Deus Ex)

I like to play a mixture of stealth and action in games like this; if I think someone deserves to be knocked unconscious rather than murdered, I'll opt for that instead, otherwise if detected I'll use weapons.
Really looking forward to this - completed HR so many times - both on 360 then on PC with a controller - loved the soundtrack too!

Mankind Divided looks epic - bring on the 23rd August :D
Indeed good work, if it pushes any boundary forward then wonderful!

Open source too, so you can download and print your own, but even at that I assume you would need the electronics package as separate.
Well I know what I will be printing at work in the future then, even if my boss gives me some strange looks. Hopefully the electronics are open source and don't use any silly small pitch/BGA packages and I can build them as well.
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This made the hairs on my back stand up.

This is one of the very few games that I grew up with and happy to see that it stays with the original so well and now has taken it to new levels...
I've tried going back to the original Deus Ex, but it just looks awful now, even worse than it did originally as modern gfx cards do not support the shaders of the past OpenGL games :( For example, the stun gun with its constant flickering mini-lightning looks very poor on todays hardware, explosions look worse etc etc. The "Revision" version has altered design of many characters and locations so I do not like it for that.
The story and the execution of "free choice" is unrivalled though, there is no other game like it.
Having said that, DeusEx:HR was pretty good, hope the new one will not disappoint.

You can get more up to date opengl and direct3d shaders for the game which improves the problems that you are referring to.

See here:

Sometimes in order to not find the graphics as visually distracting in terms of how dated a game looks, I occasionally go back and play other older games for a while. I don't usually find it a problem as much with Deus Ex, because the story, atmosphere, and gameplay takes care of the rest - one of the reasons why I'm still hooked since the day it was released. But definitely consider surrounding yourself with a few older games for a while, as this can be a good remedy to make the game more visually acceptable/pleasing. I find it works for a lot of older games I tend to revisit.
great ending to Deux Ex, unfortunately it looks like Mankind didn't learn it's lesson, because now we've got a new game :cool:

this game is brilliant i cant wait for the next one, half of the stuff i didn't use, i.e Typhoon and many of the later guns because i didn't need to.

iirc I just upgraded the poop out of the standard pistol sidearm. It had something like a 23 round clip, armour piercing, a load of damage upgrades and I just snuck around executing everyone with headshots :D

the typhoon I think I used only on the female boss fight where she keeps disappearing :p
cdkeys £24.99

Wow great site, thanks man. I've just bought the pre-order and received the email, should I download the link now and hold on to the code or wait until it's been released and then download? Will it expire if I don't download the link until August? Never pre-ordered a key before...
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iirc I just upgraded the poop out of the standard pistol sidearm. It had something like a 23 round clip, armour piercing, a load of damage upgrades and I just snuck around executing everyone with headshots :D

the typhoon I think I used only on the female boss fight where she keeps disappearing :p

you can also upgrade the Magnum with explosive rounds because that kills everything....but for the boss fights all you need is the rocket launcher or the grenade launcher, because either of these will kill the bosses in about 3 seconds, without these it takes much longer with you dieing quite a few times :cool:

Deus Ex is the only game i've ever played where the boss fights seem about right......i.e not too much health that spoils it !!

i think Deux Ex is the best game, because its plot and story and how you react to it has real meaning, the ending bought a tear to my eye, it's like watching a really good old film.

Deux Ex is a masterpiece as is Dishonored, because i got quite upset when Daud still died in the end of his DLC, so i replayed the main game and this time i saved his life ha ha.......... it felt really good.

these two new games coming out soon, i cant wait, because all the other games seem dead in comparison.
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but for the boss fights all you need is the rocket launcher or the grenade launcher,

Grenade Launcher imho. The Rocket Launcher just takes up too much space. Most of my kills are done with the 10mm Pistol upgraded with everything that can be thrown at it though usually I'm a nice guy & do non-lethal takedowns or use the PEP Gun.
Wow great site, thanks man. I've just bought the pre-order and received the email, should I download the link now and hold on to the code or wait until it's been released and then download? Will it expire if I don't download the link until August? Never pre-ordered a key before...

You dont get given the code yet, click the link and it will tell you that. But when you get the code just put it in and away you go.
Grenade Launcher imho. The Rocket Launcher just takes up too much space. Most of my kills are done with the 10mm Pistol upgraded with everything that can be thrown at it though usually I'm a nice guy & do non-lethal takedowns or use the PEP Gun.

the rocket launcher is picked up before a boss fight and dropped afterwards, which means you have to play the game first before you know when a boss fight is about to happen :cool:
Just finished Human Revolution again yesterday, I killed no one through the whole game other than the "zombie" augmented people at the end. It's fun to play through it like that, finding ways to get the bosses without shooting them.
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