Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Square Enix Reveal new Deus Ex)

Getting 60+ frames at 3440x1440 on ultra but with MSAA turned off, Contact Hardening Shadows On and Screenspace Reflections On. Some familiar issue with 21:9 like when you mark someone the icon doesn't sit above them. The usual stuff you get.

The writing is terrible in this and there are the usual horrible stereo-types and cliches but the game is enjoyable so far and it's nice to have a game set in a European city.

Playing on highest available difficulty and the AI seems pretty poor.

The gameplay and atmosphere though seem spot on so far.
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I'm getting better performance with 1 Titan pascal, with 2 getting random slowdowns. That's with the latest driver. The game wouldn't even load with the first Titan driver. Just had a black screen crash leaving the second train station.
Anyone on 3440x1440 with the latest patch installed, have they fixed the low health glow so it fills all the screen?
Played about 4-5 hours now, just reported in at TF29 after the first mission and I have to say I'm pretty pleasantly surprised with the performance on my rig so far. I'm on an i7 930, 6GB RAM and a GTX 770 (2GB) and I'm running the game on pretty much all High including textures, Ambient Occlusion and all the lighting/tessellation options etc. (exceptions are shadows are on Medium, Temporal AA and contact hardening off) and I'm getting no lower than 30fps, it averages around 40fps+ which is more than playable on a controller (yes, I use a pad on my PC as its hooked up to our HDTV). I can't guarantee that if I was still playing with a mouse that I'd be singing the same tune...
So is it worth a buy. Is it better than the previous one?

If you like the previous one there's no doubt you'll like it. They've basically taken HR and expanded on it,made it look more pretty, lots of little new mechanics etc. I'm really enjoying it so far, loads of different ways to complete objectives with endless bits of lore and intel hidden around the map if you like a bit of exploration. Runs really well on my system too [email protected] GTX1060 at 1080 with mix of very high/ultra MSAA off (Temporal does a good enough job IMO, no jaggies)

My only disappointment is the AI even on hardest difficulty they are a bit too predictable and dumb sometimes.

edit: I've noticed steam reviews are steadily creeping up again, they really need to sort the review system out too many idiots buy it just to leave bad feedback then refund.
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I've decided to hold off getting this. This is probably the first DX game I haven't got on release. Until they iron out the performance issues I see no point even trying to play it at the moment, plus in a few months it will be cheaper.
How would you liken it to the original Deus Ex? Many critics accused Human Revolution of being dumbed down for a more casual audience, because it lost many of it's RPG elements. Has Mankind Divided rectified this?
How would you liken it to the original Deus Ex? Many critics accused Human Revolution of being dumbed down for a more casual audience, because it lost many of it's RPG elements. Has Mankind Divided rectified this?

Not really.

It's a more refined a much better looking Human Revolution.

Though to be honest the RPG systems in both the original and HR weren't that different IMO.
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