Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Square Enix Reveal new Deus Ex)

Walton Simons always gave me the willies. When you encountered him at the undersea base or wherever it was, I used to leg it as fast as I could. He couldn't climb up ladders. :D

He is a pretty tough boss type character in that context - its another thing I liked about that game though - they didn't block you from using "creative" ways to get around parts of the game - one time around I used the barrels and stuff in that bit to prevent him from being able to attack me directly.
Adam's voice always used to remind me of a young Clint Eastwood.
'I did not want this, punk' :D

Yeah, I can see what you mean. :)

I didn't find Adam as immersive a character to play as JC, but then very few are, if any in my experience. :D
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seems to be dx12 game as well should be interesting the last one wasn't as good as original but still maybe more improvements this time
I really enjoyed Human Revolution. I'll admit to never having played the original, and I doubt I ever will given its age (though I fully appreciate that it's probably a gaming marvel), but Human Revolution was a genuinely great game (the boss fights aside - of which there were fortunately few and spread apart enough).

Count me excited :)
I really enjoyed Human Revolution. I'll admit to never having played the original, and I doubt I ever will given its age (though I fully appreciate that it's probably a gaming marvel)

Worth it for the depth of dialogue / atmosphere alone. :)

Also, you could always mod it to enhance the experience a little more.
Seems many people like to play Deus Ex stealthy as many people complain about the boss fights. I love playing guns blazing and never had an issue with boss fights, I enjoyed them :)
Seems many people like to play Deus Ex stealthy as many people complain about the boss fights. I love playing guns blazing and never had an issue with boss fights, I enjoyed them :)

Yes but when I was playing stealthy, I wasn't collecting any weapons or ammo. So then when you are plonked in the first boss fight, it was rather tricky. Until I realised you can throw the gas canisters at him. But I still had to dump some inventory, run to the weapon locker and grab the shotguns.
Yes but when I was playing stealthy, I wasn't collecting any weapons or ammo. So then when you are plonked in the first boss fight, it was rather tricky. Until I realised you can throw the gas canisters at him. But I still had to dump some inventory, run to the weapon locker and grab the shotguns.

Good old Typhoon abuse is what I used for the bosses before they reworked them.

I love HR, I really hope this is a worthy successor. The ability to go full stealth was amazing, and I really hope they remember that (sure they will right?!).

I think HR is the only Steam game I have 100% of the achievements on!
An overwhelming meh from me. DXHR was crap compared to the original. All those screaming awesome, seriously, where are your standards?

Played both original and HR. Enjoyed both thoroughly.

Different but complementary games.

Similar to the Xcom reboot - it's an excellent game, but it's not a strict "original Xcom in HD" which a vocal portion of the fans wanted.
Seems many people like to play Deus Ex stealthy as many people complain about the boss fights. I love playing guns blazing and never had an issue with boss fights, I enjoyed them :)

I never had a problem going in guns blazing with the boss fights but there were a few sections where I ran out of ammo to deal with normal level thugs which was a bit frustrating.

Something that draws a lot of people to the game is that they can put their own spin on it - they aren't forced to go through the game blowing everyone up which gets a fair few playing it that would normally give FPS games a miss so its a bit frustrating in the few bits of the game that forget its roots and force you to play a specific style one way or another.
People need to chill out, of course they're not going to forget going "full stealth" or turn it into "another cod". Time will tell I guess but I bet it will be the best one yet.
I wouldn't go as far as "completely changed", the boss fights were still pretty bad =/ They just added a hackable turret or something else.

They added rooms, airvents and passages were you could hide from the bosses and also some hackable stuff like turrets, gas vents etc. Imho it completely changed the boss fights, making them about 10x less annoying :)
They added rooms, airvents and passages were you could hide from the bosses and also some hackable stuff like turrets, gas vents etc. Imho it completely changed the boss fights, making them about 10x less annoying :)

It's just a shame the Director's Cut had more bugs than it did originally such as graphics glitches and performance issues, otherwise it may have been considered to be a vast improvement overall to some areas of the game. I personally think it causes more issues than it appears to fix.

For anyone wondering about the graphical differences here is a comparison with the original release:

It will be interesting to see what they do graphically with the new game, which apparently is using a completely new engine.
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I played through the original a couple of years back and the only person I killed was Walton Simons. I could have avoided that too, but I just hated the guy :D

I thought you had to kill Anna Navarra, but could avoid everyone else, there was some wall jump hack crap to avoid killing her, but else she had to die.
I thought you had to kill Anna Navarra, but could avoid everyone else, there was some wall jump hack crap to avoid killing her, but else she had to die.

You can do the game without killing anyone and without using external tools/"dev hacks" IIRC including Anna Navarre though you have to get creative (think she was the hardest one to figure out a way around) i.e. if you have the upgrades for it you can move the big crates on the plane to block her there from getting to Lebedev - I usually just kill her at the second encounter though as I never liked her.

That reminds me of another aspect of why I really liked DX, the amount of hidden significance in the game... i.e. the signs for the MJ12 prison section allude to level 3 or 4 Illuminati or whatever (there is a tie in somewhere thats not just coincidence) and the whole prison setup is both in location and the gameplay allegorical of the Illuminati.
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