Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (Square Enix Reveal new Deus Ex)

Didn't realise you could get past bosses without killing them :(.

Can't in the release version of HR AFAIK - not really played it as extensively as the original though (I don't normally replay games once I know the story - but I've run the original to completion probably over a dozen times now :S).

Can in the original though I'm not 100% on Anna Navarre - shes generally considered to be impossible to bypass without using cheats but I seem to remember figuring a way out. The great thing about the game is how much they've taken into account i.e. you might bypass a section by somehow managing to get into an area of a level that the developer never really envisaged anyone managing to reach but the story continues if you somehow managed to do it.

EDIT: Made me think of another thing - in some parts of the game you can bypass the normal game flow via cheats i.e. no clipping or breaking the game physics, etc. and it triggers an alternative dialogue from characters due to events not happening as intended alluding to deus ex machina (i.e. a contrived solution to something).
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Yes I am fairly sure you have to kill phrase her later, until you put off a hack.
I loved the concept where Paul can be dead or alive, depending if you stay or go out that window.
I loved the concept where Paul can be dead or alive, depending if you stay or go out that window.

That was one of my favourite parts of the game - something quite satisfying as well if you clean sweep the hotel and keep paul alive.

I had to kill her later in the game though! (Kill phrase):p

Yeah I don't think you can open the door to get out without killing her at the last encounter but I seem to remember working out a way to do it possibly blocking the door earlier not sure.
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Worth it for the depth of dialogue / atmosphere alone. :)

Also, you could always mod it to enhance the experience a little more.

Oh I have no doubt, but it'd be a huge time-sink to fully experience its worth (I imagine, having never played it!). I'm just not the kind of gamer to visit oldies if I missed them in the past - no matter how good they might be. I seldom find the time to sit down for more than an hour or two per night as it is to play newer releases! :p
Oh I have no doubt, but it'd be a huge time-sink to fully experience its worth (I imagine, having never played it!). I'm just not the kind of gamer to visit oldies if I missed them in the past - no matter how good they might be. I seldom find the time to sit down for more than an hour or two per night as it is to play newer releases! :p

The original is a massive time sink - back when they made games that you could easily sit through for the best part of a week rather than complete in an afternoon :S and if it half way interests you there are tons of sub/alternative plot lines and story threads that serve for atleast another play through after the first.

The one aspect where it doesn't really stand up well IMO is that a lot of the levels are like running around in a concrete dungeon :S the storyline and overall atmosphere masks it a good bit but it gets a bit much now coming from games with more varied and visually detailed environments.

While graphic mods go so far in some ways they only serve to emphasise how blocky the geometry is - a super high res texture coming to an abrupt badly aligned edge doesn't really look that great :S

I'd love a direct HD remake with a few tweaks to the environment and modernisation of 1-2 mechanics but largely level unchanged - the revision mod does a really nice job of staying true to the original while adding gameplay depth/fleshing out blander areas of the original game but still looks dated visually.

(I'm quite impressed with some of the additions they did to the demo levels).
I was going to reply with my favourite part of the game, but it just turned in to a long description of each level in the game!

It is the game I have played the most ever.
Looking forward to this. Despite not coming close to the original, being spectacular for its time, HR was great in its own right and I enjoyed it.
Looking forward to this. Despite not coming close to the original, being spectacular for its time, HR was great in its own right and I enjoyed it.

HR was my first introduction to the series and I loved the game! Best money spent in a steam sale ever.
How bad is the second Deus Ex game guys?

Is it as bad as everyone is making it out to be?

There were some good bits... but... its heavily crippled with being designed with consoles in mind - UI, upgrades, etc. aren't that well designed for PC use, the scope of the game both in gameplay and level scale is limited it lacks a lot of what made the original game special in terms of interwoven storyline threads, hidden significances, etc. while its not quite a straight up linear "on rails" shooter it has more in common really with project snowblind than the original game.
Yeah the UI is terrible and the loading screens are so frustrating (made worse because the game seems to close and re-open at loading screens, maybe a modern computer thing). Other negatives for me was being a boss with all weapons from the start, and how the augmentations worked. In the original it took a while and you felt like you achieved something when you got a new augmentation - in IW I had my favourite augments pretty much right at the beginning and plenty of cannisters so I could respec to whatever I wanted...
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