It makes for an interesting read (if only for the funny grammar in places...)
Originally Posted by pingwing View Post
It makes for an interesting read (if only for the funny grammar in places...)
Corrected as best is possible given the source material. Who marked your SATs? Do also bear in mind that English not their first language, how's your Cantonese?
wow thats a bit picky isnt it? chill out!
Why? Because he was slagging off a presentation written by a team of Chinese speaking engineers and his own post was both gramatically incorrect and contained a spelling error? He was trying to be clever, and he failed dismally.
Failboat!! Give me Failboat I demand it
come on guys - take it easy !
No word about the type of cooling used and yes it is with an ES CPU but regardless, this is very promising.
But we're at mid august now. Where are these boards?