dfi-rd580 crossfire due soon? (gibbo?)

raja said:
fwiw, I've heard modular supplies need to be an extra 100w over spec, so 700w is actually 600w available.

i ordered the 750 so even if that was equivelent to 650 thats a lot better than my tagan 580 which could be a 480 lol :)
the good news is i didnt do too bad selling the tagan , i have to have the modular as the extra cables and lack of space would make me get my hole saw out again :eek: , i have a good feeling about tomorrow

i did notice that the 2 primary pcie and other power except the 8 pin mobo connector are hard wired though , where as the tagan 580 the two pcie are plug in and that is the main load the pcie isnt it ?
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Blimey, that wasnt there a few minutes ago, as I only just downloaded the previous one...

just reinstalled x64 and spent 20mins on the phone to some **** call centre with someone who barely spoke english explaining why it was neccessary to trouble them with my reactivation...

"and how many pc's do you have it on sir"

So tempted to say oooh at least a hundred...

I wouldnt mind, but their cyprus numbers are invalid, and I had to make an international call....


I found them OK, but I am of Asian origin, I was asked that question but told them about the motherboard upgrade, have phoned them twice in 2 months, no problems. Though I agree it would be helpful if MS would use people of native origin for Techsupport, help with unemployment in the UK too.
raja said:

Raja thanks for the heads up on that one ! it is a beta version then , i think i might wait a day or two as mine is running pretty sweet at the moment , probably as i could copy Tony's bios values straight in as it was infineon . so the enhanced memory compatability is probably for other ram types
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Its a liberty we have to do it....

us people that keep out software upto date are the good guys...

My wifes pc says she is the victim of OS cloning, but she has my licence that is not on any other pc...

I have licences for multiple versions of XP a lot of which arent in use (home) I have more licences than I have pc's lol...

There is nothing in those posts to provide proof - except from usual forum chatter- that a modular is inferior to a fixed- if there is a loss the PSU is badly designed in the first place (poor quality transformer)

as for the backplate mod trying to find a single width DVI-SVideo-DVI
I thought the loss was due to ohm's law, v=ir, all those connectors have a series resistance, when appreciable current is drawn there is a slight sag of voltage, basic electronics...

0.1 ohms in this case, roughly equal to 100 watts.....

This much I know from my time fiddling with electronics circuits...

the person who's buying need to take into account that a 700w supply will give 600w upon load. I think that answers the question, it does not mean the supplies are poor, it means that to get 700w (as now is the requirement for 1900 ATI's) you need an 800w modular supply.
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btw it is not related to the transformer as directly as that. The insertion loss of the connectors plays the part in the reduction of available power.

Had I have had my thinking cap on earlier I would not even have posted those links, but I suppose it shows that others have worked it out too.

just to clarify

18amps X 0.1 = 1.8 that means upon full draw of currrent you'll have a voltage drop of 1.8 volts accross the rails.

The psu needs to be 100w over the spec that you want to but if you're going modular, which was my initial statment anyway.

BTW I worked this all out myself, no help.


even more laymens terms to provide 12v @ 18amps you'll need those rails @ 13.8 volts unloaded.

I'm tired now time for bed....

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Hi on the power supply issue , as i have mentioned earlier , the main secondary tappings going to the mobo and the pcie are direct onto the voltage regulator. the sata power and fdd connectors are on plugs so maybe the one im getting is 1/2 modular . :)
I let you know if it blows up , or maybe i wont be able
raja said:
That's ok Andy the response was not aimed at you in particular, it's just something that needed to be brought to attention.

Hi ,no problem Raja no offense taken here , your right that the fewer connections the better though . as i said before i sold my tagan and promised to post it off , which i did , now i find city link will not be delivering until Tuesday , Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. nothing to do with OcUK i might add as if i could have purchased this one from there i would have picked it up as it is only 3 miles away .........
I am on the laptop until Tuesday at least , i hate citylink with passion :mad:

Is it ok to have a non crossfire card in pcie slot 1 (it is the only gfx card in the system)

Im worried about stability should i have it in pcie slot 4?
bmorgan98 said:

Is it ok to have a non crossfire card in pcie slot 1 (it is the only gfx card in the system)

Im worried about stability should i have it in pcie slot 4?

The slave should go in slot 4 when in crossfire , as for on its own it should still work in 4 i should imagine , i just thumbed through the manual and i couldnt see any reference to single card (but it is a big manual) they are both 16x so try slot4 first , if you havnt already that is. I dont suppose it will hurt anything no matter which pcie tbh. but if xfireing ,if they are the wrong way round it will not post ,i remember back to the A8r32-mvp
There seem to be conflicting reports around and before I invest in Xfire ( I will have to get a 580 mobo, psu and possibly x1900 master card) can someone clarify whether these new may edition ATI drivers will allow two non master card 1900's to work in Crossfire?

Some people say that this IS going to be allowed and others are saying there is too much data to be shared over the PCIE bus for it to work?
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