dfi-rd580 crossfire due soon? (gibbo?)

just 2 questions for you
will l have a prob with munskin pc3500 4 x512
and last question
do you lose one of pci slots if you use 2 g-cards
cheers in advance
Your ram should work ok , to what degree i dont know , and you will have 2 pci slots available with two gfx cards fitted , plus one of those little ones , cant say as i have ever wanted to use one myself " what are they used for anyway lol "
Hi , your psu should be fine at least with one gfx , the 1800 uses a bit less than the 1900 but in any case if it gives you issues with 2 gfx cards then sell on your psu ,
i have been testing where my limit is on htt as i am changing to a storm block tomorrow and with different bios and stuff it has gone up a bit

Hi andyr,

Thanks for info on chipset drivers, are you working with the new bios 519 (I think), any problems?

Which method do you use in updating the bios?

Do you have any tips you can pass on to same time and problems in using this board.


Hi , yes i am using 519 version bios which if you follow Raja's link you can download , these are beta release though so they void your warranty if trying to rma back to dfi" it says". i update using winflash as it has always worked for me and just tick the box update all and when finished update again and again (3 times in succession before saying yes you want to reboot)there is a sticky about it on dfi street . if when trying something the board doesnt like you can push both swithes on the mobo together for 5 seconds which will reload defaults , saves setting the clear cmos jumper and pulling the battery.
at 300 htt i dont have any issues at the moment really and i am on raid 0 on the uli chipset , at 339 htt the freezing starts to happen a little but if you wait 5 seconds it continues ok. that is the only issue i have .if you xfire then you will need a 700w psu plus to be safe if using 1900's that is ,600w for 1800's i recon , but bigger and quality psu is a must i think. i am using the orange slots so if you have any issues then try swapping from yellow to orange

edit: also after a lot of messing around i have found cat6.3 the best as in smooth and stable ,my 1900xtx is at 690/800 on water
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A very quick question is you have only one video card which PCI-e slot to you use on this MB?

Which slot should I used for my creative X-Fi?


Got the new bios up and running, 1 positive so far

1) Can finally overclock at lower multipliers and higher htt's using my dual core cpu.

The periodic uli freeze remains though. This is with a fresh xp install too.

excellent news on the higher htt's Raja , i have flashed with this also and prime stable at 300 times 10 at the moment , i have been running at 333 times 9 but you have to drop down to 3 on the LDT/Fsb Frequency ratio so with the ram on a divider i dont gain a lot there , so i will probably stay at 300 times 10 i recon. hows the water research going ?

I had heard that most people were not having the ULi freeze anymore. A fix was mentioned by someone by removing the ULI raid software from the start menu (not the driver!), this worked for me to some extent, but the issue was not completley resolved.

Secondly, I have always found that my board has a real hard time erasing my cmos reloaded bank settings upon bios updates. Even if I flashed 3 times the banks would usually remain, evene with clear cmos selected in winflash.

So what I do now is flash 3 times, power down, set jumper to clear, remove power cable from psu (or switch off), remove cmos battery.

(I have a dos start up disk with both killcmos and F_tester installed on it)

Wait a few minutes, then reboot but run killcmos from dos, this will reboot the machine..

Wait for reboot to dos then run F_tester in, this completley cleans the board of any hidden gunk from the old bios.

Works for me anyway.

To date I've had no ULI errors at all since doing this.

Will keep an eye on them just to make sure.

With regards to the WC Andy, I am awaiting my new case (Lian Li), it'll be one of the full tower types, may well me a modded one too (powder coated or anodised), the rad will be pre-fitted for me, man those cases look great when they're finished like that.

BTW I was having Crossfire issues, as my room/case do not have great airflow (when oc'ing with CCC and the sliders set to 690 and 800). The gpu temps for both cards were hitting 90 degrees or so, at this point I'd get lock ups in games and benchmarks. I've now stored fan speed settings using atitool and this has overcome the issue. I guess ATI have relaxed the fan speeds too much, as by default they don't really ramp up at all until into the late 80's, this was probably to divert some negative response about how noisy the stock coolers can be. I've set them to ramp up to full speed over 70 degrees, I've had zero prob's since..

raja said:
BTW I was having Crossfire issues, as my room/case do not have great airflow (when oc'ing with CCC and the sliders set to 690 and 800). The gpu temps for both cards were hitting 90 degrees or so, at this point I'd get lock up

HI Raja , i am not suprised about the gfx temps and lock ups tbh , as i dont think any xtx would do 690/800 on stock cooler , i checked mine under load best i could and its didnt get as high as 50 degrees and that is just stable at 690/800. the case sounds awesome btw
i have had no uli freeze so far and i am running prime in background trying to warm everything up

My cards are rock steady now with the stock cooler, CCC allows them to be pushed all the way to 690/800, I ran the automated util too, and it shows the max for both.

temps don't go much above 70 degs when gaming now. No lock ups at all.

The only time I'm getting the uli freeze now is on restart of xp, everything else seems fine. Using Cat 6.5, I reckon this is why we see so many people not getting on with the later revisions of Catalyst. I have a hunch (maybe wrong), that the fans speeds were set differently in the earlier revisions.

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