**DGM 27" LED IPS 2560x1440 ONLY £319.99 Inc. VAT (PRE-ORDER PRICE ONLY)!!**

From a quick google search it seems it is possible to do 3 screens extended from 2 cards, just seems a matter of selecting all of the monitors in display properties. But again as I have never tried it I'm just going off a few search results here.
An attempt to find the input lag. In 1600x1200 so this might be useless as is none native (DGM on left, crt on right):


Old game running in 800x600:


World of Warcraft running at 1600x1200 in windowed mode:

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Can anyone tell me the distance of the bottom of the monitor to your desk. Just want to get an idea of how far from the desk the monitor begins.
Worth a try but not sure how eyefinity would handle the display group being split. Not to mention how scrolling from screen to screen would work.

IGNORE ME: didnt read your post properly. Eyfinity would mean that it would think of those screens as one screen anyway.

Well worked it out in the end - managed to get it working by connecting all of them to the to the asus 5450 only. Its even outputting 2560*1440 over vga - so all 3 screens at native off a £30 card.

Wasted money on the 6450 - oh well - might send it back :)
I've got 3x 27" Shimian monitors (Korean ones), and sometimes the bios doesn't show when I reboot from windows, however it seems to always show up from a cold boot, so anyone having issues with the bios not showing, give a cold boot a try. I've tried this with a 4850, 5870, and 6950.
Well my DGM 27" has arrived, been waiting all day at work to get home to see how she looks:D

WOW Stunning! no dead pixels, the faintest of light bleed not worth mentioning but if iam critical i have to say very faint right side edge. the stand is the only real poor part in that it dosnt feel very stable. but it works and dosnt take the wow factor away.

Ive looked at some colours and feel there is some adjustment to be made but quite happy with normal setting in OSD for now.

So after the nail biting shall i shan't i Iam real pleased i did, nice screen and what a bargin it has turned out to be.

Nice one OCUK;)
An attempt to find the input lag. In 1600x1200 so this might be useless as is none native (DGM on left, crt on right):


Old game running in 800x600:


World of Warcraft running at 1600x1200 in windowed mode:


run warctraft at 2560 x 1440 its awesome at that res all on ultra only thing i have a prob woth is shadows occasionally saying that i have 200+ addons runnin which takes it toll on things
OSD Settings

So have any of you guys tweaked the settings yet??

I've found that the defaults are actually pretty good and not as 'over baked' as they tend to be with some other displays. So far all I've done is reduce the brightness a tad, from 80 to 70.

The colour balance looks slightly different to what I'm used to (i.e. not necessarily wrong...just different), but I can't figure out in what way, so haven't bothered fiddling with the RGB levels yet.
Can anyone tell me the distance of the bottom of the monitor to your desk. Just want to get an idea of how far from the desk the monitor begins.

Bottom of monitor to desk is roughly 7cm.

I would like it much lower, so would be very interested in efforts to replace with a new vesa stand that is fully adjustable.

Otherwise, thank you OCUK for stocking these at that price point (pre increase) and with the associated warranty backing etc.

I was a bit nervous but it arrived today and I'm very happy. I think I might have one or a couple of stuck pixels in the lower right corner but I have to look hard to find them. Didn't notice any backlight bleed but I'm sure it's there / again didn't notice so not interested in going to look for it as if I do see some - what's seen can't be unseen!

Being honest the amount of dust on the screen after a couple of days will be worse than any problem pixels :)

Only downside is the stand but that was known going in. It's a bit wobbly (fortunately my desk is sturdy but I think it would be an issue if it was anything but a rock solid platform) and, as above, I would like to be able to lower the monitor closer to the desk.

Being super picky the bezel is a bit too big for my liking - but I'm really nit picking now especially at the price point.

Very happy and glad I held off on the Catleap / similar direct from ebay purchase. Much more comfortable doing it this way despite the increased cost. Still a bargain.

Of course now I need to upgrade my GTX460 though impressions so far show it to be holding up well! I temporarily hooked it up alongside my old Dell 24" and I think I might keep this setup!
Can anyone tell me the distance of the bottom of the monitor to your desk. Just want to get an idea of how far from the desk the monitor begins.

6.1cm from my desk to the bottom of the bottom bezel. 9.8cm from my desk to the bottom of the start of the actual screen.
run warctraft at 2560 x 1440 its awesome at that res all on ultra only thing i have a prob woth is shadows occasionally saying that i have 200+ addons runnin which takes it toll on things

Yeah shadow always killed performance on mine. This is an old version of the game from Lich King days so haven't got all the bells and whistles of Cataclysm settings available like fancy water :) It's funny, I get a new monitor and stress out so much about getting dead pixels that I'm too tired to play any games afterwards lol
running battlefield 3 on ultra at the 1440 res....got to say...this monitor is beautiful...the colors and detail are amazing...so glad i can still max games with this res!
using a asus 670 top..

no dead pixels...no problems at all really...the stand doesnt bother me because i dont touch the monitor once its set up....

actually there is one problem that is really bugging me and its been mentioned already and that is that it doesnt show up in the bios/post part of startup...
big pain in the ass
Stand removal info

ok the first pic is when i put it back together, but first you need to remove the four screws along the bottom edge at the rear of the screen.


if you pull the stand a little you will see the front bezel will becoming detached slightly. there is a number of plastic clips around the edge so it will need a small amount of force, just go easy and take your time down each edge. use something thin like the edge of a ruler, a flat head screwdriver will likely damage the bezel.

when the front bezel if off, you see the lcd panel, but you need to get this out of the way. it is held in by 4 plastic clips - 2 on the left and 2 on the right. these are very easy just to push to the side to free the panel.


move the panel out of the way just enough to see the base. dont move the panel more than you have to.


these 2 screws hold the base in place


no more base :)


ergotron arm holds it with no problems


my ergotron thumb screws are too long for this vesa mount so i'll need to add some metal washer thingies to tighten things up. but so far so good.
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Stand removal info

my ergotron thumb screws are too long for this vesa mount so i'll need to add some metal washer thingies to tighten things up. but so far so good.

You my friend, are an absolute legend!

Will definitely give it a go. I do have the same problem with the screws too - the ones i have are way too big, is it a case of going to B&Q, or would it be easy to find smaller screws? The ones i have are 15mm in length, and approx 3mm in diameter
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i'll be grabbing a pack of washers :)

one or 2 on each screw will be good as far as i can tell. my screws are about 2 or 3 mm too long.
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