1) DPD arrives smack bang in the middle of their hour-long tracking window. They've really improved since my last order. Great start!
2) No big dents in the packaging. So far so good.
3) PSU looks a little grubby for a new monitor, and some cable ties look distinctly second hand. Oh great, did I get someone's return? I could have saved some money and got a B grade.
4) Plug in, pray to the hardware gods, and switch on without taking the screen protector off. No point if it's already been returned for something immediately obvious.
5) Logo... pause... Wow! I've never regretted any of my monitor upgrades. From 14" CRT to 17". Then a 19" CRT. Eventually a 17" Iiyama LCD which still lives on at my mother's. Then a 20" Dell 1600x1200 which has been superb for more than 4 years. And now this... first impressions are great. Sure, it's burning my retinas, but in a good way. Colours, superb. Desktop elbow room, incredible! Why did I wait this long?
6) Hang on, I still have the film on.

Remove it and... ok, I'm never going back to anything smaller unless the price of electricity goes up to £1 a unit. Viewing angles (not that it matters on a desktop machine!) are amazing. Photo editing in Lightroom is superb... so much room to play with. Nice sharp thumbnails at the bottom. Natural colours. I never realised my photos were this good!
Ok, maybe they're not, but seeing them in high resolution for the first time makes a whole heap of difference... even if nobody else will ever see them like this.
7) Calm down, peer at screen... fail to find any obvious missing pixels! And I'm not going to hunt for any either. As the Nexus7 thread reminded me recently, life's too short to chase perfection. Well, it is when you reach my age anyway.
8) Time to make my 1st generation 260GTX cry. How about a game? Portal2? No, the Source engine is weedier than a field of dandelions. If you're going to make a card cry, do it properly. Witcher2. Load it up, sit back and...
I'm sure Gibbo and the guys wouldn't mind me swearing under the circumstances, but I shall restrain myself. But only just. The opening cutscene for Witcher2 is nothing short of jaw-dropping at this resolution. Just stunning. I mean,
really stunning, and I'm not one to gush unnecessarily.
Ok, when the cutscene was over I had to make some pretty serious compromises to get Witcher2 running well, and it then looked a bit poor, but knocking the resolution back will sort that out. Or waiting until next month and buying a GTX 660.
I didn't test any more because I wanted to report back here for anyone else sitting on the fence. Sure, there's going to be downsides at this price point. There is some screen bleed at the bottom left & right with a black screen, but on the desktop -- which is where I "live" most of the time the screen looks perfect, and I imagine it'd only be a slight annoyance if I watched movies on the PC. I don't... well, not until now. This darned screen is a lot better to look at than my TV!
And yes, the stand isn't ideal. But it tilts back to give a pretty comfortable viewing position... if you slouch.

I shall be raising mine up by about 4" once I stop typing and gawping. I also need to try again to decrease the brightness. Failed the first few times even when I had it selected (brightness bar highlighted in red). I actually liek it this bright... whites are so white! But this machine's on all day and it's replacing a 42W monitor. I have no desire to run it at 100W-ish and boost EDF's profits.
Ok, I think that's more than enough from me. I did contemplate paying for the Dell, because of their reputation in this area. I then contemplated the ridiculously cheap imports. But then I spotted this thread, liked the additional features on the DGM, and was persuaded by the 3 year warranty.
So far, so good.