Normal, not playing on hard though.
Solo if it helps.
Seriously? Are you repeating certain areas when you log-off or are you on really hight MP?
Normal, not playing on hard though.
Solo if it helps.
How are you level 30 but not reached Magda yet? I was level 31 when I finished the game!
Are there any ramifications from buying this second hand? Does it need codes like fifa used to?
I'm considering buying this , but am not sure I can justify the full £40 on it
hit level 43 last nightstill enjoying this and getting legendary drops sometimes 3-4 items a night
I'm a bit confused... is this a re-telling of the first two diablo games? I just killed the skeleton king, who was king leoric.. from the first one. Or does this new adventurer happen to trip over him again; meaning you didn't do a good enough job killing him in diablo 1.
I'm stuck on dragons crown at the moment; without playing multiplayer or doing some major farming, so I'm playing diablo 3 now
How many levels did people keep using the inferno helm? as the XP boost is good, but its just so weak in DEF.
PS: Is Dragons Crown hard then? I've got the PS Vita copy but haven't tried it yet. I'm the hack n slash type of RPG gamer.
I might pick this up when it goes cheap. Can you create your own quests for friends?
How can you have Diablo with a quest creator. If it had that I would pick it up tomorrow.