** Diablo 4 Thread **

Hit lvl 96 last night and i have to be honest the Fun is drying up, progression has all but gone and those last 4 levels are going to be a slog.
Feels like being 2000+ paragon on d3, without being able to stick your levelled up jewels from GRs into you gear for a power bump in the cube.

Looking forward to season 1 but wont be doing another chr out of season.
Just cannot beat Elias in the capstone dungeon.

67 ice shard sorc and getting mullered. I breeze through the dungeon as a whole but can't get him past 2 bars of health. I can't even see what skills would help if I respecc'd.

I just think my reactions are simply too slow to get away from his nukes.
Can give you some help with it next time I’m on.
After a sanity check, I have two 980 Pro's installed in my PC one for OS and the other for games. Does everyone else gets insane amounts of stutter when loading in to towns/dungeons, or transitioning between zones etc for a few seconds as assets load in etc?

I'm only asking as my Samsung Magician benchmarks look okay, but 3DMark seems well down on others as a comparison and wonder if the drive is functioning as it should.
I do get some but its only for a second or so.

Do you have cross play enabled? you could try disabling this and see if its any better.

I have the game installed to a Samsung 970 Evo nvme drive, you could move the game to the other drive and then tell the launcher where it is to see if that helps.
I read the stuttering can be resolved by disabling harware acceleration, and to minimise the launcher on game start in the battlenet launcher settings
After a sanity check, I have two 980 Pro's installed in my PC one for OS and the other for games. Does everyone else gets insane amounts of stutter when loading in to towns/dungeons, or transitioning between zones etc for a few seconds as assets load in etc?

I'm only asking as my Samsung Magician benchmarks look okay, but 3DMark seems well down on others as a comparison and wonder if the drive is functioning as it should.
I read the stuttering can be resolved by disabling hardware acceleration, and to minimise the launcher on game start in the battlenet launcher settings
Anyone else use an Xbox controller to play on PC? I know it's a bit odd but I've only ever played D3 on Xbox before so M&K didn't feel natural. Recently I've been getting a strange input delay and wondered if anyone else was. Sometimes I face a direction, click a skill then face the other way and my skill ends up not firing until after I've changed direction. Have done countless frozen orbs and blizzards in the complete opposite direction that I intended. It's very frustrating especially when constantly re-adjusting position again dungeon bosses etc. I don't recall this behaviour happening when I first started playing on the PC.
Haven't been able to play this for the last few days, insane lagg, particularly when anywhere near town. A lot of input delays or lost inputs too.
Anyone else use an Xbox controller to play on PC? I know it's a bit odd but I've only ever played D3 on Xbox before so M&K didn't feel natural. Recently I've been getting a strange input delay and wondered if anyone else was. Sometimes I face a direction, click a skill then face the other way and my skill ends up not firing until after I've changed direction. Have done countless frozen orbs and blizzards in the complete opposite direction that I intended. It's very frustrating especially when constantly re-adjusting position again dungeon bosses etc. I don't recall this behaviour happening when I first started playing on the PC.

I prefer using the controller when playing on PC. Only issue I have is sometimes, when selling at a vendor, it switches back to buying mode. Same thing happens on my Series X, so it's not specific to PC. As for skills not responding, I sometimes get that when latency/server lag is bad.
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Hit level 63 with my range rogue. Starting to lose interest. Almost all my gear is from around level 50. Most drops are atrocious. I have a level 695 crossbow with good stats and over 2k damage per hit but every bow or crossbow that's been dropping since then has had bad stats and damage per hit has been between 1100 to 1500. This has been similar for almost all other gear in other slots. Most of my gear is 680 ish and almost all drops are like 510 - 530 with stats that are not good for by build. I did get a 710 grey pants with 0 stats though lol
Hit level 63 with my range rogue. Starting to lose interest. Almost all my gear is from around level 50. Most drops are atrocious. I have a level 695 crossbow with good stats and over 2k damage per hit but every bow or crossbow that's been dropping since then has had bad stats and damage per hit has been between 1100 to 1500. This has been similar for almost all other gear in other slots. Most of my gear is 680 ish and almost all drops are like 510 - 530 with stats that are not good for by build. I did get a 710 grey pants with 0 stats though lol
Try pushing into WT4 for some better drops
Not sure who looks after the clan but my request to join has been sitting for 3 days now....

Aside from that - Completed Capstone Teir 3 last night with some help from @ColdAsIce - My Necro build is good (Lvl 65) but lacking armour for sure... Drops have been rubbish since around level 50 - everything upgraded to 4 or 5 at least. Tier 4 is brutal - literally tried 10 minutes and got mullered very quickly.
I'm level 71 now, since mid 50's I've upgraded both rings, my weapon and a helmet. Think that's it. The annoying thing is that most of the upgrades come from upgraded rares so you need to check all your loot.
I'm level 71 now, since mid 50's I've upgraded both rings, my weapon and a helmet. Think that's it. The annoying thing is that most of the upgrades come from upgraded rares so you need to check all your loot.

Did you pick up anything good from our short few runs yesterday? The annoying thing i'm finding right now is, i keep getting the same few uniques drop over and over again and they are usually worse than what i already have equipped.

Still looking for that damn helmet!
Broke 80 on the sorc and the squishyness is starting to get super noticeable due to resistances not working correctly.

I don't think I can be bothered to level any more characters before S1, so I might be calling it a day for a couple of weeks soon. Played the game frequently for a month and well over 100 hours so it's one of my most played games in years, insane value for money considering all the hours I'll get from seasonal content too :)
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Did you pick up anything good from our short few runs yesterday? The annoying thing i'm finding right now is, i keep getting the same few uniques drop over and over again and they are usually worse than what i already have equipped.

Still looking for that damn helmet!
Nothing i could use unfortunately. I did solo NM25 though, was working my way up from 21.
Nothing i could use unfortunately. I did solo NM25 though, was working my way up from 21.

It's a good start, once you get that paragon board glyth past level 15 you'll see a nice bump in power if its a power related glyth you have installed. Should be able to manage some 30+ NM's. I tried a 36 last night and it was okay, just gotta becareful not to get one shotted lol.
I'm level 71 now, since mid 50's I've upgraded both rings, my weapon and a helmet. Think that's it. The annoying thing is that most of the upgrades come from upgraded rares so you need to check all your loot.
Yup, pretty much all your gear from lvl 80+ will be upgraded rares. Some builds will have a specific unique, but not many. The only real use for legendaries is for extracting aspects to imprint on rares.
The issue with the rares > legendaries is it feels like the Legendary items are more likely to roll stuff like an extra 120-150 dex for example. I almost never see that on a rare. Maybe an extra 30 but never in the 100s. Also with the rings, I never see rares with the combo of crit chance, dmg and dmg vs vulnerability. I often see one of those 3 on a ring but never all 3.
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The issue with the rares > legendaries is it feels like the Legendary items are more likely to roll stuff like an extra 120-150 dex for example. I almost never see that on a rare. Maybe an extra 30 but never in the 100s. Also with the rings, I never see rares with the combo of crit chance, dmg and dmg vs vulnerability. I often see one of those 3 on a ring but never all 3.

I also feel that it depends on your build and class what you roll. It's like the game knows what you're trying to do and will actively make it harder to roll those stats that you really want. for instance, i have no use for Thorns but it will actively roll Thorn related stats for me, or max health stats.

I don't know if it was like that in the previous games but it certainly feels like that now.
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