** Diablo 4 Thread **

Finally hit level 100. Was disappointed you don't carry on earning XP and paragon points though. Obviously in seasons you will but still surprised you don't now.

It means in a way, I'm out of things to do. Maxed out my glyphs that I'm using, maxed level. So now it's just grinding for god rolls but there isn't a huge motivation to do that knowing the character is obsolete in a week or two
Finally hit level 100. Was disappointed you don't carry on earning XP and paragon points though. Obviously in seasons you will but still surprised you don't now.

It means in a way, I'm out of things to do. Maxed out my glyphs that I'm using, maxed level. So now it's just grinding for god rolls but there isn't a huge motivation to do that knowing the character is obsolete in a week or two

You don't get anything beyond 100, even in seasons.

100 = do the same as you have been doing since level 1 + get insta gibbed by uber lilith until you either learn the fight to perfection or get bored trying.
You don't get anything beyond 100, even in seasons.

100 = do the same as you have been doing since level 1 + get insta gibbed by uber lilith until you either learn the fight to perfection or get bored trying.

Surely it will be the same as D2, D3 where you just keep earning paragon once you hit the level cap? Otherwise the only way to progress is gear, which is ridiculous. I remember getting to level 1500 or something paragon in one season in D3, was crazy how much of a difference it made pumping that many points in to strength etc
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Not sure who looks after the clan but my request to join has been sitting for 3 days now....

Aside from that - Completed Capstone Teir 3 last night with some help from @ColdAsIce - My Necro build is good (Lvl 65) but lacking armour for sure... Drops have been rubbish since around level 50 - everything upgraded to 4 or 5 at least. Tier 4 is brutal - literally tried 10 minutes and got mullered very quickly.
Please message me in game Lustral#2839 or let me know your battle net ID of your request. We are still getting randoms wanting to join and need to confirm if they are on the forums or discord as there is limited spaces in the clan 150 max.
Finally hit level 100. Was disappointed you don't carry on earning XP and paragon points though. Obviously in seasons you will but still surprised you don't now.

It means in a way, I'm out of things to do. Maxed out my glyphs that I'm using, maxed level. So now it's just grinding for god rolls but there isn't a huge motivation to do that knowing the character is obsolete in a week or two
Want to form a group to take on Uber-Lilith ? It'll be fun dying 100 times over :p
Surely it will be the same as D2, D3 where you just keep earning paragon once you hit the level cap? Otherwise the only way to progress is gear, which is ridiculous. I remember getting to level 1500 or something paragon in one season in D3, was crazy how much of a difference it made pumping that many points in to strength etc
Nope. No further paragon points after you hit lvl 100, both on the Eternal Realm and in season play. In effect your character is finished.
Nope. No further paragon points after you hit lvl 100, both on the Eternal Realm and in season play. In effect your character is finished.

Well that’s absolutely stupid. I can’t understand the logic behind that, as I said previously, it now means your progression is completely limited by gear whereas at least before if you didn’t get better gear you still felt stronger as you progressed through paragon levels
I had a go at around level 95 and was just doing next to no damage before getting smashed
Yeah, she really has to be tackled at lvl 100, and even then she has one shot kill mechanics. I can increase her stagger meter to about 80% before I get killed ( as a sorc ). I'm confident that in a group can probably kill her.
Surely it will be the same as D2, D3 where you just keep earning paragon once you hit the level cap? Otherwise the only way to progress is gear, which is ridiculous. I remember getting to level 1500 or something paragon in one season in D3, was crazy how much of a difference it made pumping that many points in to strength etc

paragon is tied to your level in this game, as level 100 is the max, you stop earning paragon at level 100

its really stupid. i know people dont like diablo immortal, but that game has a level 60 cap but even after you hit the cap you can still gain a further 1000 levels of paragon, which means you can keep grinding at end game for months if you like where as in D4 once you hit level 100, thats it the game is over

And season 1 doesnt look like it will fix anything, the entire season is focused on content for new characters only, no improvements for end game. So if they are going to give us more paragon points or something it won't happen until Season 2 at the earliest, which would be October
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I switched my build today, went from melee arc lash to ranged ice shard .

I was getting regularly destroyed by enemies in helltides and nightmare dungeons, because I'd have to get in melee range and then get stun locked by packs of elites and as sorceror is so weak in terms of health and defence, once I'm stunned I die in 2 seconds flat.

Unfortunately I had to destroy some gear to optimize the new build but I don't think I can go back. Melee mage just doesn't work at end game, not until they do something to give it way more defence.
Now that I'm playing a ranged build I'm no longer dying, the ice shard build is really good, it has ranged damage, more crowd control and much better survivability with 3 shield abilities.

The only downside is that the ice build does less damage than lightning, so helltide bosses take longer to kill than before, but at least I'm no longer dying to every pack of elites.
yay hit level 70 on my sorcerer while playing with ironman earlier, good fun as usual bud :)

just started my second char and non story mode, enjoying my new barbarian so far, i called it sheepbringer :P
Why not cow bringer

its an injoke my dad calls him self stormbringer and my mate says he is mournblade and as my name is yrkoon , the micheal moorcock books with sentient swords etc, it annoyed my dad when i started calling my self sheepbringer for the lolz and it stuck :p

plus cowbringer might get miscontrued in a diablo game lol

is there a cow level?????????????
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Apparently there is a cow level in the game but the three items that are needed to activate the portal for it are not in the game yet
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Please message me in game Lustral#2839 or let me know your battle net ID of your request. We are still getting randoms wanting to join and need to confirm if they are on the forums or discord as there is limited spaces in the clan 150 max.
sent you an friends request - thanks
paragon is tied to your level in this game, as level 100 is the max, you stop earning paragon at level 100

its really stupid. i know people dont like diablo immortal, but that game has a level 60 cap but even after you hit the cap you can still gain a further 1000 levels of paragon, which means you can keep grinding at end game for months if you like where as in D4 once you hit level 100, thats it the game is over

And season 1 doesnt look like it will fix anything, the entire season is focused on content for new characters only, no improvements for end game. So if they are going to give us more paragon points or something it won't happen until Season 2 at the earliest, which would be October
In D3 once they brought in paragon, it was also limited to 100. They lifted that cap later on...
paragon is tied to your level in this game, as level 100 is the max, you stop earning paragon at level 100

its really stupid. i know people dont like diablo immortal, but that game has a level 60 cap but even after you hit the cap you can still gain a further 1000 levels of paragon, which means you can keep grinding at end game for months if you like where as in D4 once you hit level 100, thats it the game is over

And season 1 doesnt look like it will fix anything, the entire season is focused on content for new characters only, no improvements for end game. So if they are going to give us more paragon points or something it won't happen until Season 2 at the earliest, which would be October

It's hard to get excited for season 1 in that case. The end game just isn't there, at all. Nightmare dungeons are effectively a waste of time once you've hit 100 and got your glyphs to level 21, which doesn't take long at all. The loot in the game is so bad right now that grinding hell tides and dungeons for gear, again, just isn't worth it. Don't get me started on whispers...

If they raised the paragon cap, at least you'd continue to be motivated to do dungeons and progress to get XP to get points, which would also mean using more boards and needing more glyphs levelled.

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I switched my build today, went from melee arc lash to ranged ice shard .

I was getting regularly destroyed by enemies in helltides and nightmare dungeons, because I'd have to get in melee range and then get stun locked by packs of elites and as sorceror is so weak in terms of health and defence, once I'm stunned I die in 2 seconds flat.

Unfortunately I had to destroy some gear to optimize the new build but I don't think I can go back. Melee mage just doesn't work at end game, not until they do something to give it way more defence.
Now that I'm playing a ranged build I'm no longer dying, the ice shard build is really good, it has ranged damage, more crowd control and much better survivability with 3 shield abilities.

The only downside is that the ice build does less damage than lightning, so helltide bosses take longer to kill than before, but at least I'm no longer dying to every pack of elites.

The ice shards build is just as squishy once you push higher because of the resistances being bugged.

It's the only class that doesn't have a top tier end game build because of it.
I switched my build today, went from melee arc lash to ranged ice shard .

I was getting regularly destroyed by enemies in helltides and nightmare dungeons, because I'd have to get in melee range and then get stun locked by packs of elites and as sorceror is so weak in terms of health and defence, once I'm stunned I die in 2 seconds flat.

Unfortunately I had to destroy some gear to optimize the new build but I don't think I can go back. Melee mage just doesn't work at end game, not until they do something to give it way more defence.
Now that I'm playing a ranged build I'm no longer dying, the ice shard build is really good, it has ranged damage, more crowd control and much better survivability with 3 shield abilities.

The only downside is that the ice build does less damage than lightning, so helltide bosses take longer to kill than before, but at least I'm no longer dying to every pack of elites.

One of the problems with D4 is that because of the "zoomed" in perspective the game is essentially a melee game. It's one of the reasons why all ranged builds suffer to some extent. I can't see Blizz relenting and giving players an option to zoom out the camera ( presumably performance would take a hit especially on consoles ).

An arc lash build would still work, and be fun to play, if Blizz rework the skill tree and allow all elemental damage types to apply vulnerable status consistently eg. using crackling energy and burning damage automatically triggers vulnerability. All damage spells need buffed a bit, some more than others eg. incinerate, blizzard to facilitate damage against elites/bosses immune to these status effects. Then there is the issue with defence & broken resistances. However, there is a risk that in "fixing" resistances and making them more important, Blizz reduces the value of armour and makes all classes suffer defensively. Plus, do we have room on gear to want to have +resistance affixes ? There's already an abundance of ( useless ) affixes as it is to roll and I think rares/legos should perhaps allow for 5 affixes, especially in WT4.
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