** Diablo 4 Thread **

25 Jun 2005
On a hill
Well I've been enjoying season 2 so far, the game isn't as bad as people love to make out. Also given how much I enjoyed the game at launch (going through the campaign to 50+ was great), I think now would be a great time to experience it given the updates and QoL improvements.

People hold Diablo to a different standard than other ARPGs, and while I totally understand the criticisms in late game itemization and how progression falls off (I've experienced it), I think people are too harsh on it. I've played since early access launch, I know the game, and it's not garbage. What compounds the bandwagon is that "content creators" get paid for saying it is. Your average gamer isn't going to get near Uber Lilith and the highest NM Dungeons.

The game is a great experience for £45 IMO, especially now with updates and season 2 just starting.
3 Aug 2012
Second Star to the Right
I don't really see the point of the seasons thing. Assuming I understand it, you have to roll a new character each season to benefit from it, which sounds utterly tedious and not something I care about at all. Admittedly I haven't done any reading up on it so may be way off base but I'm just not interested in constantly having to level a character up again, and again, and again. Grind for the sake of grind.
18 May 2010
I don't really see the point of the seasons thing. Assuming I understand it, you have to roll a new character each season to benefit from it, which sounds utterly tedious and not something I care about at all. Admittedly I haven't done any reading up on it so may be way off base but I'm just not interested in constantly having to level a character up again, and again, and again. Grind for the sake of grind.

Not defending it as I've never played a season before but its also a chance to try a different class. And you don't start from level 1. You start at level 50 I think with all the points to spend on your build.
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9 Mar 2004
Not defending it as I've never played a season before but its also a chance to try a different class. And you don't start from level 1. You start at level 50 I think with a all the points to spend on your build.

You start at level 1 but can skip the campaign, the seasonal activity levels you really quickly and drops masses of loot so getting to 50 is quite painless.
5 Nov 2014
You start at level 1 but can skip the campaign, the seasonal activity levels you really quickly and drops masses of loot so getting to 50 is quite painless.
Yeah, I've skipped that and just started on the journey stuff. currently need to complete chapter 2
5 Aug 2023
I don't really see the point of the seasons thing. Assuming I understand it, you have to roll a new character each season to benefit from it, which sounds utterly tedious and not something I care about at all. Admittedly I haven't done any reading up on it so may be way off base but I'm just not interested in constantly having to level a character up again, and again, and again. Grind for the sake of grind.

It depends how good the game is, POE players have no problem re-rolling every season, many do multiple re-rolls per season - because there's tons of varied content, and loot and gearing are exponentially better, and there's a fully implemented enconomy.
25 Jun 2005
On a hill
I don't really see the point of the seasons thing. Assuming I understand it, you have to roll a new character each season to benefit from it, which sounds utterly tedious and not something I care about at all. Admittedly I haven't done any reading up on it so may be way off base but I'm just not interested in constantly having to level a character up again, and again, and again. Grind for the sake of grind.
Basically seasons are in incentive to log back in and play the game again, but this time in a different way. The idea is to play different classes and builds because each one plays differently.

Even though Diablo 4 has a story (a very good one and campaign IMO) these games are not meant to be played like other typical RPGs, i.e. Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls etc. ARPGs are about building a skill setup based around what loot you find (because it's an RNG loot finder). The problem with Diablo 4 especially (compared to other ARPGs) is that they've kinda made it a mini-MMO, so the MMO idea of making a character that represents you in a persistent game world, and constantly grows with time, hangs over it. But in truth, ARPGs are about building a skill set that lets you push more difficult content and get better gear in a kind of rinse-and-repeat way.
Find gear > improve your build > push higher difficulty content you previously couldn't do > find even more powerful items > repeat etc.

The incentives for seasons include new content/features to explore. So in Season 2 a new vampire themed story is added along with new powers, new glyphs, new gameplay modes/mechanics (like Blood Harvest for example), new gear, a season journey (which is a like an ingame achievement list with rewards), and new balance changes that bring builds online that previously weren't as powerful. Like atm I'm doing a Firewall Sorcerer, whereas at launch I had an Ice Shards build, and even though it's the same class, the builds change how you play so much. Going from one class to another is a night and day difference and learning how each class works and adapting how you play is all part of the fun.

It's not for everyone, I get it. ARPGs are a strange kind of game, because it's a grindy experience, but there's a satisfaction to finding that special drop that enables your build to come alive, and pushing harder difficulty that you once couldn't etc. Over the years I tend to play ARPGs while listening to audiobooks or lectures. It's like it gives me something to do without much thinking, it's hard to explain.

Still have to do the stupid side quests and dungeons to get the paragon points on the renowned...........:(
If you've maxed out Renown on any other character in the past (eternal or seasonal) it's account unlocked. So when you start a new seasonal character, if you've previously done the campaign, found all Lilith statues and maxed out Renown, then it's already unlocked on all your new characters going forward. Remember, you'll get your extra skill points upon starting a new character, but you won't get your paragon points until level 50 because that's when the paragon board starts.
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3 Aug 2012
Second Star to the Right
Thanks for all the replies and info. I'm personally in it for the storyline as that's where I think Blizzard do the best of their work, and I'm just taking my time playing through that (and the other 1/2 dozen games I currently have on the go :)). I guess this style of game just doesn't interest me enough to want to keep on rolling a character again and again in the hopes of finding better gear, though I will probably try a couple of different classes over time. As @eggyoke succinctly put it "it's not for everyone". ;)
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5 Nov 2014
If you've maxed out Renown on any other character in the past (eternal or seasonal) it's account unlocked. So when you start a new seasonal character, if you've previously done the campaign, found all Lilith statues and maxed out Renown, then it's already unlocked on all your new characters going forward. Remember, you'll get your extra skill points upon starting a new character, but you won't get your paragon points until level 50 because that's when the paragon board starts.
I have got to the paragon points before and completed renowned on my S1 and my Sorc eternal as well when the game first came out.

Looking on my S2 character I am not 50 yet but I have progress on my renowned to do, need to unlock way points\dungeons\quests to get to the end of the renowned for each area.

I got all the starting points etc to use when I first created my S2 character
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12 Mar 2005
I have got to the paragon points before and completed renowned on my S1 and my Sorc eternal as well when the game first came out.

Looking on my S2 character I am not 50 yet but I have progress on my renowned to do, need to unlock way points\dungeons\quests to get to the end of the renowned for each area.

I got all the starting points etc to use when I first created my S2 character
Sounds like you've already got all the points then.

I'd just ignore renown then and unlock the fast travel points and that's it.

Dungeons will get done when/if I get to them and side quest if I complete them by accident.
25 Jun 2005
On a hill
I forgot to mention above; characters you make in seasons aren't deleted, they carry over to the Eternal realm when the season ends. So you can keep playing them if you want.

I have got to the paragon points before and completed renowned on my S1 and my Sorc eternal as well when the game first came out.

Looking on my S2 character I am not 50 yet but I have progress on my renowned to do, need to unlock way points\dungeons\quests to get to the end of the renowned for each area.

I got all the starting points etc to use when I first created my S2 character
You can still earn Renown to collect the money rewards, but the skill points and paragon points are already unlocked. If you look closely in the Renown menu at the top, you'll see where it says "+1 Skill Point" or "+4 Paragon Points" it should have a little green tick next to it, but the money rewards won't.
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5 Nov 2014
I forgot to mention above; characters you make in seasons aren't deleted, they carry over to the Eternal realm when the season ends. So you can keep playing them if you want.

You can still earn Renown to collect the money rewards, but the skill points and paragon points are already unlocked. If you look closely in the Renown menu at the top, you'll see where it says "+1 Skill Point" or "+4 Paragon Points" it should have a little green tick next to it, but the money rewards won't.
Cheers, ill take a look when I am on next
Sounds like you've already got all the points then.

I'd just ignore renown then and unlock the fast travel points and that's it.

Dungeons will get done when/if I get to them and side quest if I complete them by accident.
Yeah, ill see what happens when I hit 50
5 Nov 2014
I've checked this morning and your correct.

I have the paragon points ticked etc and its just the gold that you need to collect. (thank god for that lol)
30 Dec 2010
Over here
I was tempted by the new season. I logged in, then decided I CBA. Leaving installed just incase but I feel I got my enjoyment out of it and won't be returning.
18 Feb 2007
I was tempted by the new season. I logged in, then decided I CBA. Leaving installed just incase but I feel I got my enjoyment out of it and won't be returning.
I've found S2 to be far more fun compared to last season. Levelling is much faster post lvl 50, and there is better balance between open world & nightmare dungeon activities. Itemisation still needs work ie. affix bloat, loot filter and a need to make legendaries/uniques more exciting. End game would now appear to be levelling up glyphs ( I'm level 91 and only have two glyphs at lvl 15 compared to last season when I had 5 at lvl 21 by the time I was in my late 90's ) and killing Duriel for a chance of grabbing some uber uniques. I'd say give it a bash ; with the faster pace it won't take you long to finish the season objectives, or alternatively you could play it very casually and still achieve the same within a few weeks at most.
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