I have refrained from posting anything about this recent situation because to me it would feel like a monumental waste of time. But i am going to add two things...
1) The mentality some people have that "they owe me" simply doesnt wash. As i sit here and scan my game shelf i see COD 1, COD UO, COD 2, COD MW and COD WAW, and i think of the hours, days even of entertainment those games have given me...the figure is astronomical and im not even close to being a hardcore gamer. So why anyone could think IW owe them, or somehow feel like IW is in there debt is absurd. What ever amount you paid (or didnt pay, as i would wager with some people) you have recieved adequate rebutal for that money. NO ONE here owes anyone anything. As far as i am concerned your all judging and item you havent played or no little about. Certainly not enough to provoke the immature reaction most have hoisted.
2) "i will pirate the game and only play the single player section". Who in there right (or left) mind would honestly think that solves anything?. Whilst i believe piracy is not stealing it is NEVER justified...EVER!. And to sit there proud as punch thinking you have one over on IW is mental. If nothing else you are simply proving their point about piracy in the first place. Same goes for one star ratings on amazon. Your anger for an unrealeased product withstanding. Do you really feel any better for kicking it before its even on its feet...before you have even PLAYED IT no less?...if the answer is yes then thats tragic.
As far as i see it this kind of reaction is exactly the sort that turns into a joke. It happened with the left 4 dead 2 boycotters, and its happening here. It starts with a very reasonable and justified response to a significant (albeit an untested) change in a game and soon boils over too "cancalled my pre order LMAO!!!".
There has to be more for you guys to concern youself with this...there just has to be.