Rabb knew he'd get that answer, everyone knew it, so why did he bother? Just a pointless face saving exercise to pretend we ever have much power with our 'special' friendship.
So do you think he should have just fobbed off the family and said “nah don’t bother”?
Being honest would have been better, rather than pretending we have any clout and giving people false hope. But this works for him so he can now just blame American intransigence, his work is now done and he can go get drunk in the stranger's bar.
I have such a low opinion of British politicians, so maybe that's just biased.
Rabb knew he'd get that answer, everyone knew it, so why did he bother? Just a pointless face saving exercise to pretend we ever have much power with our 'special' friendship.
Check-out " Status of visiting Forces". Then try find if any USA person has ever been dealt-with by the judicial organisations in any country. I haven't found any, but then I'm tired
The offenders were tried and convicted in Japanese court by Japanese law, in accordance with the U.S.–Japan Status of Forces Agreement.
Good spot! I'd forgotten that one.
Good spot! I'd forgotten that one.
Anybody got any more?
She didn't drive out with the intention of hitting someone and killing them.
Therefore cannot be murder
They won't even try for murder, because it's not.
But even for manslaughter or death by dangerous driving you need to intentionally be doing something stupid to begin with afaik (drunk, on phone, ridiculous speeds, unroadworthy car, etc). It was a genuine mistake and we don't punish people for that unlike the US. Someone dying doesn't make it any less of an accident.
She didn't drive out with the intention of hitting someone and killing them.
Therefore cannot be murder
You cannot say that with 100% confidence though, can you? For all you, or anybody else, knows she woke up that morning and thought, "you know what, I'm going to kill somebody today by driving my car on the wrong side of the road and then claim it to be an accident".