DiRT Rally Hits Steam Early Access

I bought a logitech g27 for pCars but found the game to be a bit dull and empty , especially as a single player experiance so i boxed the wheel up and its been away ever since

Would this game offer more of a reason to set it back up again? Cool launch trailer above but it doesnt really say any of the games features, modes etc! Any advice? Tempted by it!
Does it work with Afterburner, and does it work with Xfire ? (im on the 15.9.1.BETAs btw), as when i first tried running the benchmark after setting the gfx, instead of starting the benchmark, it just beeped and went back to desktop, fired it up again without Afterburner running, and it ran the benchmark fine, but surely i should be getting higher than this :-

Just whacked everything up @1440p, and got :-

60.34 Average

42.36 Minimum

91.85 Maximum.

No AA/MSAA on either.

EDIT: Just looked a few pages back, and Afterburner does work, but not for me, just tried it again, and got the same, instead of the bench starting after it loads, i just get a beep, then im back on the desktop with no mouse pointer, have to CTRL+ALT+DEL to kill it using the Task Manager, where it says its not responding.
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Looks like im going to have to update my drivers, as getting smashed of single cards, and i get weird gfx flashes during the bench, when the cameras changing positions etc....
Looks like im going to have to update my drivers, as getting smashed of single cards, and i get weird gfx flashes during the bench, when the cameras changing positions etc....

I'm running the latest beta Chrimson drivers with 2 x 290's and I'm getting a steady 60fps running at 1800p dsr'ed to 1080, 2xMSAA :)
I will pick this up when I get home :) I usually don't place racing games, but this seems good from what I've heard.

No wheel or anything unfortunately, just a bog standard PS3 controller. Does it work fine right out of the box, or is there any recommended settings for controllers you'd suggesting turning on/off? Thanks.
I will pick this up when I get home :) I usually don't place racing games, but this seems good from what I've heard.

No wheel or anything unfortunately, just a bog standard PS3 controller. Does it work fine right out of the box, or is there any recommended settings for controllers you'd suggesting turning on/off? Thanks.

Would be interesting to hear how it is with a controller now its coming to console as so far it looks more sim heavy and would benefit from a wheel! (Not played it, just going off hearsay)

So is this worth 18.99? Less 5% on cdkeys?

Whats its main features for solo play?
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defintely better with a wheel.game is amazing then. i broke my wheel few weeks ago and had a go with xbox pad i was like 2-3 seconds off my wheel time.

so next day ordered a new wheel.

i haven't played a car game this good ever. community is great and the devs have listened to us through all of the early access.

the game is more solo single player orientated. that being said its not like you arnt involved with people.

there are events daily,weekly,monthly you take part in racing against each other. all the times are logged for pbs and global position.

if you like racing rally its a must own.nothing else handles as good with a wheel.
defintely better with a wheel.game is amazing then. i broke my wheel few weeks ago and had a go with xbox pad i was like 2-3 seconds off my wheel time.

if you like racing rally its a must own.nothing else handles as good with a wheel.

Thank God for stoneage man who invented the wheel DG.

I've never seen someone so fascinated and obsessed with a game as much as you Dg :D

I bet he's not the only one, love my daily fix of Dirt.
What did you end up getting?

ended up getting another logitech driving force GT. im used to using them .

yes i am obsessed with the game which is nice in a time where so many games are half assed .the better you get at this game the more you realize just how good it is.

always loved car games just none recently have ticked any of the boxes required. :)

just been trying the hyundai now pue. its harder to drive than the volkswagen which is like floor and go :D the fiesta rs is still quicker than all though in 2010 class.

Cockpit or dash cam is the only way to play a sim imo.
I feel like I'm cheating if iuse other views, I'm a sucker for realism ~::)
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