im not that good at greece just done a casual one run throught got 5:56 which put me 8th so right gearing and tweaking differentials probably 7-8 secs off that.
so a top time will be 5:42-5:44
try putting your times to compare personal best and try locking all the differentials to strongest setting and short gears.
if you dont understand the gearing just go towards or start at the shortest then gradually raise them towards stock. see if you quicker than pb.
if you slower then try from stock towards longest
Just picked this up, but im really bad, anyone know whats the best track to learn on, im playing with a controller btw.
id try wales with a nice easy car to start. so mini and just learn the basics and progress gradually.
don't be too worried about your times the top guys will of played 500 plus hrs.
other good news is i have been sponsored by Fanatecand they are sending me one of there wheel packages.
cant wait to review and try it out.
for those not familiar with their products check this.
Good for you Dg well done m8.