Hi, whoe is me my DFGT wheel settings are kaput, tried everything uninstall>reinstall DFGT wheel drivers, etc.
Did a google-trouble with my DFGT wheel settings and clicked Logitech forums and came across this Post- Driver update has caused Logitech Profiler to think my DFGT is a different product read through the replies and came across a reply from the Logitech Team.
Containing a link to a Logitech WheelDriverCleaner Tool-Page 3/bottom reply message 25.
Downloaded the WheelDriverCleaner Tool and followed instructions below, my wheel works just fine now.
1.Disconnect the Gaming wheel from your computer.
2.Download and save "WheelDriverCleaner.exe" to your desktop
3.Run the cleaner tool by double clicking the file from your desktop.
4.Close the cleaner tool dialog box.
5.Reconnect your Gaming wheel to your computer.
Below are 2 links case one does not work, remember to save this handy tool it might come in handy again.