DiRT Rally Hits Steam Early Access

Wooh 17 years ago.

To think I only picked it up when it came out because 5 quid was knocked off, and nothing else was released that week.

Man... so glad I did, might have looked rank at the time compared to v rally, which I was more that happy with, but turned out to be the most fun play rally game/series ever.
great giveaway ! will tune in friday. :cool:

+1, Colin McRae Rally PC bought this for my sons 12yrs ago age's 16/18yrs.

CMR set the pace them as Dirt sets the pace now.

First driving game for PC, my sons + me spent many an hour playng it, giving The Boss peace and quit as Dirt does now.:D
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Bit shameful, but I don't think I played the first one as I didn't have a PS. When did CMR first come out on PC? Played CMR on a friends PS in Y2k, wonder which that one was. Loved it nevertheless.
it was out on pc at the same time i had it on pentium 2 400 mhz :D think it was a voodoo fx gpu. looked a lot better on pc than ps1.
Think I'm going to pick this up today , I've been naughty and tried befor I buy and am really enjoying it . I want to get in on these leagues , looks a lot more fun then beating your own times .

Is there anything I need to do to jump in if possible once downloaded ?
The playstation version came out a few months before the pc release.

September, October (pc).. can't remember which, I remember waiting week on week for it to show on the shelf in game at the time.

Graphics were less blocky, but it wasn't nearly the tart up job that EA did with the holdback pc release on NFS3.. 3dfx very much enhanced.
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Thx for the settings screenie Dg. Had to make a new account as when i updated my email on profile i havnt been able to log in. Been about '98 when i had that account i think so no chance ill get members market access now having to start again....
Had first play for aaaaaaaaages (I hate my job), and wheel feels much better.

Got one of those USB peddle button things off amazon to use for handbrake. Still getting used to it.

But man am I sucking! It can just be so engrossing though. Perfectt thing to take mind off work.
last night was great on vajbs stream. devs joined in and were answering questions and gave away extra dirt games.

was fun.

think i will get back on pant mawr later with the pug 306 . will get sweating :D

had few runs with it last night after 4 runs was 9th in world.
Where do I see placement in world?

Finding it much more manageable using auto gears. Just find the sequential shift on Df gt so cumbersome. Is that cheating?
Where do I see placement in world?

Finding it much more manageable using auto gears. Just find the sequential shift on Df gt so cumbersome. Is that cheating?

Im convinced the auto gears have an added ......delay

Quite often there seems to be the high reving sound as if its taking to long to shift (up), purposefully adding time unnecessarily
no manual is quicker if you good enough to get the benefit. auto isnt cheating lol. most modern rally cars are close to auto anyway.if you got long gears on first adjust them.

go into advanced and alter gearin patterns.some stages makes a massive difference.

you compare with friends for global position.at end of race.

Car had 0 upgrades applied to it, rank 4, my previous run which was 2 seconds slower overall I was 2 seconds faster by the end of the second sector so I can knock another 2 seconds off that time.

Good enough.
I just don't understand how you keep it on the road. When ever I get close to the edge of track, it's like the cars develop wings and fly off where ever!
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