you press alt + enter when its highlighted. or delete hardware profile. that will set it back to default.
its in my documents/mygames/DiRTRALLY/hardwaresettings
Thanks guys. Gonna be hard to not play till wheel turns up now... Don't wanna get better with pad to learn again with wheel.
The Dg, sure it will make sense when I get the wheel!
Finally a game to get me competing and participating in a bit of ocuk fun!
Anyone up for a bit of a challenge today? Someone name a track and a car and their time and everyone must try and beat it
If you havent already, join the Restarters League.
The Track is Wal****tieg, the car is one of the new RWD Class B ones and there is 2 days left before it changes to another one. 4 of us have done it already, and you can restart if you want to.
I have requested to join, accept and lets gooo
as you progress you get the longer tracks.
some tracks for you will be about 8-10 mins once you get higher level in championship. believe me on the hardest settings and ai at top end and fast times its hard work
some people struggle early on never mind masters and elite
the first stages you will be in will only be short tracks of 3-4 mins if done quickly and only 4 events. as above when you reach the higher levels its 12 stages per event and most will be long stages.
you race your heart out at break neck speed for 10 minutes straight and say its not enough
Agree on pace notes sometimes being called late, theres a few tracks ive noticed youll get the call for a hairpin coming up far too late to actually brake, I think they're based on just distance from the corner rather than distance and speed (so that you get the call early enough for a group b at full whack to slow in time)