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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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14 Jan 2008
What reason do you state november as the release for the X2 varient as i havn't seen any confoirmation on release dates for any of them yet. It is possible though unlikely ati have delayed so they can release all cards at the same time. Either way i think september for the 50 and 70 varients with an X2 in october as they stated sometime ago they were working on an X2 alongside so hopefully there shouldn't be the delay that there has been in the past here's hoping anyway :).
3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
Remember people, just because ATI have said "September 10th" for a release date does not mean, and in fact probably doesn't mean, that most of the world will have access to the cards on the 10th.

What is more likely is that they will "release" them in terms of details, benchmarks etc etc and you will actualy be able to buy them later on, my guess being October, with the X2 varients being November/December time.

Don't get too optimistic about release dates, it pays to be sceptical, if you wait for something too willfully and it gets delayed etc, it will just anger you for no reason/
16 Nov 2006
Remember people, just because ATI have said "September 10th" for a release date does not mean, and in fact probably doesn't mean, that most of the world will have access to the cards on the 10th.

What is more likely is that they will "release" them in terms of details, benchmarks etc etc and you will actualy be able to buy them later on, my guess being October, with the X2 varients being November/December time.

Don't get too optimistic about release dates, it pays to be sceptical, if you wait for something too willfully and it gets delayed etc, it will just anger you for no reason/

We know it's a paper launch with availability late September.
18 Jan 2009
Sounds great, triple screens is a far more useful feature than goggles, PhysX or what not.
Eh, you can triple-screen with Nvidia cards too...

Those "goggles" pretty much give you a gaming IMAX 3D setup in your house, hardly worthy of being dismissed as if they're a gimmick. PhysX is, they ain't, and ATi will produce their own version of it in time. Patent law allowing, naturally.

I'm interested in these new ATis too but this thread seems to have morphed into an excuse for everybody to air their own tiny, boring hatreds of Nvidia. For most of us, these are just videogaming toys; nobody killed your granny here. Yeah, I dropped the t-bomb: toys. Your searing hatred is about...a toy. You lust for vengeance because of...a toy.

AMD would garotte you all to make a profit too, y'know. They position themselves as the "we give you a good deal" guys because it's their current business model and it's working for them but yeah, they exist as an entity solely to make money. No love, no loyalty, it really is that cold.

And you should be too. Buy what works for you, irrelevant of company, irrelevant of this constant undercurrent of "good vs. evil" that I am just, just, absolutely sick of reading.

Benchmarks soon pls.
14 Jan 2008
Wow good vs evil eh never thought of it like and it took you to come into the thread for any mention of that. What most of us have said in relation to nvidia is good hardware poor comapny attitude and i don't think thats being unfair it's judging nvidia by their own actions over the last couple of years.
29 Aug 2009
Damnit, such a dilemma. I have my old 4850 up on eBay as I was looking at the Gainward GTX 260 which I found for £110.

I have the option of taking my 4850 off eBay and waiting for the new ATI 5xxx cards. But the price I will get for my 4850 will undoubtedly drop significantly by then..

Or I could continue to sell my 4850 but go without a working computer for a couple of weeks...

Or I continue to sell my card and get the 260 and just wait until next year to upgrade to the DX 11 cards.

I'm not even sure the new cards will be within my budget when they're first released..
24 Jun 2004
Aye, just not sure if I will be able to get close to a new 5xxx series card with my limited budget of £125

Yeah, it's a tough decision I suppose. But upgrading a 4850 to a GTX260 won't give you a massive performance improvement, but if you can stretch to the 5850 when it is available you can expect a much bigger jump.

Without wanting to reignite the pointless bickering, I think it's reasonable to expect the 5850 to be under £200 on or soon after release.
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