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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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31 May 2007
Do you think that it will be a lot more than £165? ( a bfg gtx 275)

Currently, with the reported prices of $199 and $299 for the 5850 and 5870, they'll be:

5850 = £140

5870 = £210.

There's no reason to think the prices are going to be any different.

Except of course OcUK's inevitable price gouging, which traditionally means an extra 20% added on to the retail price because they've managed to get every last release 5850/5870 that are headed to England.

So if OcUK manage to get the whole shipment, then you'd be looking at

5850 = £168

5870 = £252

Of course, the chances of Overclockers actually getting the shipment to themselves is pretty low I reckon.
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30 Sep 2005
What reason do you state november as the release for the X2 varient as i havn't seen any confoirmation on release dates for any of them yet. It is possible though unlikely ati have delayed so they can release all cards at the same time. Either way i think september for the 50 and 70 varients with an X2 in october as they stated sometime ago they were working on an X2 alongside so hopefully there shouldn't be the delay that there has been in the past here's hoping anyway :).
Well, there are no confirmed release dates yet, but November has been mentioned in the leaks as the timeframe for the X2.


I was just pointing out that this is where November was mentioned. The sources could be wrong of course, but the 4870 X2 released over a month after the 4870 and that was planned all along (compare that to the gap between the 8800 GTS 512 and the 9800 GX2, for example).

Releasing a whole product line at once is a very ambitious thing to do.
14 Jan 2008
Thx for that hadn't seen that one :). I agree it is very ambitious but not beyond ati i think and the fact there are no false rumours and no info really at all about these cards says to me they are not concerned. Also makes me think they have confidence in the cards so maybe things have gone a lot smoother for them enabling them to pull off something none of us expect. Thats the joy of pre release we can speculate till the cows come home :D.
30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
Student with no job ;)

Should be picking up a job within the next couple of months for sure once I settle into college, but the £125 is all I really have until then for a new card.

One thing I wish I did at uni was get a job, so I didn't finish uni with a mountain of debt to pay back. It will also make you prioritise things better!

If you study hard now and play less games you will likely get a better grade, meaning you'll likely get a better job, (or nowadays A job :rolleyes:) and will be able to have the best parts when they come out and help keep OCUK ticking over :D

Funny though, I have bought 3 dogs (£2.5K), 1 car (£3k), BT Delta paintball marker (£150), Asus X48 board (£85) and I still won't be able to 'afford' the latest graphics card at the moment lol. (Also got an unpaid baby to sort out in a few months time.

All I can say is, bring on the 5xxx series, bring on Nvidia's latest and let's get on with enjoying them :)
28 May 2007
isn't that more like a 4850x2? puts it about 20% slower than a 4870x2.

Worked it out wrong the first time so a 5870x2 should be about 50% faster than nvidia gtx 295?

From the rumors that have been going around the x2 chip is supposed to come with higher clocks than the 5870 so should be a little faster but its all just rumor. Ati were pretty good at fooling people about the speed of the 4870 so fud's info like the last round maybe underestimating what the 5870 can do. I think 60% is a pretty good boost anyway as its only been a year since the release of the 4870. If you look at the 8800gtx to gtx280 on the nv side thats around the same kind of performance boost but it took nv around 2 years to do that.
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28 May 2007
Well yea you are right it could be another 2900xt but i have a good feeling about ati's cards atm as everything for them seems to be going right unlike back then. I think i saw in an article also ati stating that performance should be around 4870x2 levels so by that it has to be somewhere around 60% if they are telling the truth which of late they pretty much have been.
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8 Jul 2003
In a house
isn't that more like a 4850x2? puts it about 20% slower than a 4870x2.

Worked it out wrong the first time so a 5870x2 should be about 50% faster than nvidia gtx 295?

Don't know as he says the 4870 there, and doesn't adding another 4870 (if you already have one) to go Xfire give you around that extra (1.6x), as you don't get twice as fast, so that would make it around 4870x2 performance wouldn't it ?
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22 Oct 2005
Don't know as he says the 4870 there, and doesn't adding another 4870 (if you already have one) to go Xfire give you around that extra (1.6x), s you don't get twice as fast ?

It varies game to game. I imagine that most big games will give very close to a 100% boost from the second card soon enough. CoD 4 already does for instance and it's not the only game.
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