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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.

Whatever card it is (looks like single 5870), it's quadfire.
23 Mar 2009
Multi monitors etc...

Personally I would be more than happy with a pair of wrap around OLED glasses that track your heads movement... (all the better if they were 3D) compared to these huge displays costing so much and taking up so much space.
Different if you want to impress all your mates together though or you have a small manhood.

You say that, but what you're suggesting isn't going to work for everybody. For example i want to play a driving sim i whack on my glasses and oh wait now i can't see my steering wheel/pedals/gearstick. There are numerous examples where this wont work.

magnuswinwick said:
I believe it's a 5870 2GB running the six monitor setups, as they say that feature won't be available for a few weeks.

I thought it may of been the 2gb version to drive all those monitors but didn't want to guess. So i imagine the 1gb versions of these cards are going to struggle with multi monitors. hmmm a 5870x2 with 4 gig of ram sounds impressive doesn't it even if 2 gigs of it is mirrored lol

Ok maybe not so impressive if it's using 4 cards to run that. Anybody know how many screens one card will run and by run i mean actually be usable with?

EDIT: forget that question just saw your previous post fenris, so by that calculation it's pretty much 3 displays per card. However the fact ram is mirrored between cards leads to another question how will 2 gig cope with 6+ monitors? Have they devised something new for this?
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3 Feb 2007
You say that, but what you're suggesting isn't going to work for everybody. For example i want to play a driving sim i whack on my glasses and oh wait now i can't see my steering wheel/pedals/gearstick. There are numerous examples where this wont work.
Bottom of glasses could be semi-see through HUD like - just a thought but get your point.
24 Jan 2007
this thread as turned in to all about multi-screen, so boaring. yes its good that the 5800 series can drive 6 screens, but its nothing special. it was for sure something like this would happen at some point.
3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
this thread as turned in to all about multi-screen, so boaring. yes its good that the 5800 series can drive 6 screens, but its nothing special. it was for sure something like this would happen at some point.

Got anything else to talk about? no? then stop complaining, we will talk about other stuff when we KNOW about other stuff.

Also, there is quite a large demographic of gamers who use multi screen set ups, also a lot of non gamers that do the same, so this "is" something special, just not for you.
18 Oct 2002
I thought it may of been the 2gb version to drive all those monitors but didn't want to guess. So i imagine the 1gb versions of these cards are going to struggle with multi monitors. hmmm a 5870x2 with 4 gig of ram sounds impressive doesn't it even if 2 gigs of it is mirrored lol

EDIT: forget that question just saw your previous post fenris, so by that calculation it's pretty much 3 displays per card. However the fact ram is mirrored between cards leads to another question how will 2 gig cope with 6+ monitors? Have they devised something new for this?

5870's, I think X-fire for 6 and quadfire for the 18.

I think.

There was a rumour posted earlier that there are 2 different 5870's, the 'vanilla' (1Gb) version with 2x DVI, HDMI and Displayport, and the 'Six' which has 2Gb memory and 6x Displayport outputs (not sure if they're full size displayport, or mini-displayport though). It was also rumoured that the vanilla version would be limited to just 3 outputs per card.

The interesting thing was the 24 monitor Flight Sim X display, which would imply that when using Crossfire (or Quadfire) you not only get the performance increase but also double the number of monitors you can drive. Of course it could be that they weren't actually running Crossfire so it was just extra displays on the card, but then it would be useless as the framerate for 24 displays would be stupidly low :p
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