Oblivious in what way? I've never denied the power of the GPU - I'm just not that impressed by one aspect which at the moment seems to be what everyone hung up on...
As I said before - ATI have done well support wise for the launch work up - but it remains to be seen how long it will remain this way so it doesn't really shoot down anything I've said before...
Well this looks way better than before, Crytek demonstrating on AMD hardware, DIRT, Stalker etc etc....Why wouldn't it remain? It's all about DX11 in these cases...all NV have is the Batman game RE: press reports and Mirror's Edge which they may as well give it away with cereal packets it's so cheap...
I and many others are not referring to Eyefinity, but what Eyefinity has clearly show us is the GPU power here.
You clearly prefer Nvidia, wether it's because you coded with their libraries or whatever, I still don't get why you can't onboard the above.
If this card is a 295 destroyer then what do NV have in 2 weeks time? Over night the 285/295 becomes redundant, and I am sure the rest of ATi's line up (eg 4890 etc) will also decrease.
This is not what we want in the long term, NV "just" need to go and produce a price competitive top end card which supports DX11, stop being so stubborn with PhysX/3d whatever/CUDA and compete on price/performance.
If NV come out on 5870 release day with "yeah our 260s out perform in Batman, the game of the year" (game of the year of course!) then that will be an embarassment.
I'll reiterate again in case you want to label me an ATi fan, look at my current GPUs below and I have owned more NV than ATi since I started building my own PCs.