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Discussion On The ATI Radeon 5*** Series Before They Have Been Released Thread

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11 Sep 2007
from the internet
In my oppinion all of you who are expecting the 5870 to trounce the gtx295 by a huge margin are going to be very dissapointed.
I doubt that the 5870 will be as fast as a gtx295 at all let alone beat it. and dont even think about reposting that image of a graph showing the 5870oc miles ahead, as that has no proof of being real at all.

heres a graph i found earlier. :D:D:D:D

(one dash = £2.50)

NV 8800gts er i mean 9800gtx er no 9800gtx+ nope gtx250

ATI 5850

ATI 4850

NV gtx 300

There wasn't any unit on your graph so I fixed it, I think I chose the right one? :D
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17 Aug 2009
So we al have to wait until the 22nd now?

Sod that for a game of sailors!

Talk about raising expectations to feverpitch and then letting us drop!

Good marketing is like a striptease. Has you gagging for it and throwing money without thought at the end :cool:

Wouldn't be any point in salesmen and advertising if people could be relied upon to fork out money for any old tat up for sale :p



25 Jul 2006
We have been here before.

2900 series
We all know how that turned out.

So going on past experience be prepared for a let down.

Having said that i like most really want AMD to do well this time round.
NV need a kick up the *rse as they have been taking the P for a long time.
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
We have been here before.

2900 series
We all know how that turned out.

So going on past experience be prepared for a let down.

Having said that i like most really want AMD to do well this time round.
NV need a kick up the *rse as they have been taking the P for a long time.

Where is the connection between 5xxx & the 2xxx.
If the 4xxx was a let down that you would have a point.
Can you name any tech company who has never had let down in a product.
We could use "So going on past experience be prepared for a let down" on any new product.
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11 Sep 2007
from the internet
Where is the connection between 5xxx & the 2xxx.
If the 4xxx was a let down that you would have a point.

Rather. Also I'd have to say, which card between RV870 and GT300 really has more parallels to R600? Which one's the late one in all this? GT300 seems to be quite a way off, at least with a late 2009/early 2010 release, and RV870 coming within the month. Then which card's the one that has the complex, exciting but questionable new architecture? Again, GT300 seems to win this with its 'cGPU' oriented MIMD architecture which somewhat reminds me of ATi's move with its VLIW architecture. Sure the thing will be amazing at general purpose parallel applicatioins, but will a traditional graphics pipeline with programmable shaders in today's state really take advantage of a MIMD architecture? Sure it'll be great looking onwards - by which time there will be new cards out, but for more contemporary games the gains may not be that huge. That, again, sounds a lot like what people were saying about R600 shortly after release.

I could be wrong, but it's just a bit of food for thought.
7 May 2006
London, Ealing
Rather. Also I'd have to say, which card between RV870 and GT300 really has more parallels to R600? Which one's the late one in all this? GT300 seems to be quite a way off, at least with a late 2009/early 2010 release, and RV870 coming within the month. Then which card's the one that has the complex, exciting but questionable new architecture? Again, GT300 seems to win this with its 'cGPU' oriented MIMD architecture which somewhat reminds me of ATi's move with its VLIW architecture. Sure the thing will be amazing at general purpose parallel applicatioins, but will a traditional graphics pipeline with programmable shaders in today's state really take advantage of a MIMD architecture? Sure it'll be great looking onwards - by which time there will be new cards out, but for more contemporary games the gains may not be that huge. That, again, sounds a lot like what people were saying about R600 shortly after release.

I could be wrong, but it's just a bit of food for thought.

From what i have seen from the 4xxx line im sure the 5xxx line will drive my 30" 2560x1600 just fine. What is there to worry about, DX11 is secondary as far as i'm concerned.
30 May 2007

From EXPreview.
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