Disgusting !

Smells like scam to me.
Yup I'm thinking this too. Basically they can't force money out of you unless it's through a court so keep the letters and wait until the next lot arrive. My betting is there won't be any, even if there are you have the receipt for the game you bought anyway.
Hmm just done some googling and it seem other people like yourself have posted very similar things on other forums. All asking for some sort of payment of a few hundred pounds, and all including ip addresses.

It's possibly a wide spread and very well done scam, but then I would have thought that the isps matching names and addresses to ips would realise this. (then again most isps seem incompetent.)

Either way I wouldn't worry about it, it's very very unlikely that they will take you to court even if they are a real firm.
Oh yeah one more thing, it says in the letter if i discuss this with anyone or post it anywhere i will also get fined, now isnt that a bit fishy ?
Ignore it, say you didn't get the letter. Stupid companies I hate them all!
Would have tried to contact them that you've never done such a thing and told them to take a hike and that you know they can't do a damned thing.
Also, you would have had a steam receipt.

Secondly, i'm not sure how it goes but if you've bought a game, lost the cd and use an illegal copy to simply replace that, or use a crack to save having to change cd's.... I don't think they could even take a bite.
Ignore the Steam download for the moment, I doubt that has anything to do with it. Sounds to me as if they believe that the demo you downloaded was in fact a warez copy of the full game.

I assume it definitely WAS a genuine demo copy and not a knocked off version of the full game?
No i am telling you everything, im just lost for words as before today i honestly didnt know you could download full games from piracy groups, i thought the only way was to go to the ea online store or through steam.
One more thing i have onboard wifi and was wondering could someone use there comp to somehow connect to the net through mine and download stuff, as i leave my comp on for ages days even and im at my girlfriends a lot of the time so i wouldnt notice if my internet was slow.
No i am telling you everything, im just lost for words as before today i honestly didnt know you could download full games from piracy groups, i thought the only way was to go to the ea online store or through steam.

Come on, now you're pushing the bounds of believability!
No i honestly didnt know, there are some people left in the world that dont know everything fyi
i know how to put a comp together put stuff on it, post in forums and use google.
Oh yeah one more thing, it says in the letter if i discuss this with anyone or post it anywhere i will also get fined, now isnt that a bit fishy ?

That is against your legal right to seek legal council. Thus would be rather useful in court.. perhaps causing a questioning of their practices.
I smell BS. Dicehunter you seem to be playing the 'innocence card' with your last reply.

One more thing i have onboard wifi and was wondering could someone use there comp to somehow connect to the net through mine and download stuff, as i leave my comp on for ages days even and im at my girlfriends a lot of the time so i wouldnt notice if my internet was slow.

That would be a great cover up excuse. :rolleyes:
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