Disgusting !

Come on, now you're pushing the bounds of believability!

Indeed, let's not be naive here. Anyway, stop worrying.

There is nothing in UK law stopping you scannign the letter and putting it on here. I would bet a small amount of money that within a few minutes it's be obvious to either be a scam or a law firm scare mongering.

As for the £700 for an out of court settlement, I wouldn't pay a penny of it. Even in the very unlikely circumstances that you were sued for this, the damages awarded would probably be less that this anyway, assuming it was just one illegal download. You must remember, the UK doesn't have punative damages, only compensatory.

So, my advice, post the letter here for us to have a look at, if it's not an obvious scam, see a solicitor and get them to draft a letter asking for proof of the allegations.

Dicehunter - can you please scan the letter or post the content of it - you can usually tell from the way its written if its a scam or not...

Like to see how they come to the figure since if you did what they advised then there no way I would entertain that figure for an out of court settlement for illegally downloading one game.

ps3ud0 :cool:
It seems unlikely you'd never even heard of games piracy, even my computer illiterate sister knows it can be done... but then again you did buy a Physx card so who knows?
Aren't they gonna need more than an IP address to prove anything?

Indeed, If I were in the same situation I would argue that I have lots of people attached to my network, it could have been anyone of us and with NAT, you can't tell who.

im just lost for words as before today i honestly didnt know you could download full games from piracy groups,

I believed you until you said that.
You should have said :
'I know you can download full games but I'm scared to do so and I definitely downloaded the demo'.

Then again that sounds crap.
You were on P2P which says it all.
This might be another bloke vying for sam83uks title :p...

A PC like that and he hasnt heard of illegal downloading of computer games - yeah right...

Please dont insult our intelligence - we arent judges who dont know what RAM is...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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As loads of people have asked where did you download the demo from?

Just because it's a demo doesn't mean there is no copyright attached to it. You can still breach copyright law with a demo.

Although it's ridiculous if they are suing for people downloading demos.
Piracy is a criminal offence, but the company is most likely to take civil action opposed to criminal.

I was of the understanding that piracy, in this respect, was only such if material that is subject to copyright is reproduced, without consent, for financial gain?
Meh, either way, I stand by my recommendation of doing nothing for now and see what happens.
Listen i dont have a camera or a scanner, i just posted this to get help and information not be called a liar, ive never done anything wrong in my life i always try to help people regardless of the matter, so if no one believs me i couldnt give a tiny rats ass trying to convince people.
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