Dishonored 2

Caved in and got this yesterday, and absolutely loving it. Only just got to Karnaca. Playing as Corvo with powers, low chaos, which is the same as I did with Corvo and Daud in Dishonored.

I think I'll have a playthrough later with Emily no powers and high chaos for the luls. Should be tough.

EDIT: Don't seem to be having any problems with performance, certainly not to the extent of other people. Bit of framerate dip when I got to Karnaca, and it dips if I look around too fast sometimes. Will see if it worsens as I progress more tonight. Dunwall was absolutely fine.

Spec is Zotac GTX1070 with 8gb RAM and a non-overclocked 3570k. Game installed to an SSD. I'll be curious as to how well it stands up as I know people have had major issues even on a 1070.
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Dishonoured 2, for me, is the game of the year. It will also be only the second game where I've played it again straight after completion, the only other game being Dishonoured.
I think i missed the boat with this game compared to all the others who are loving it, the graphics are terrible everything is flat and of little interest the textures in the distance are jaggy as hell and that is running at ultra.

Managed to get it running 60fps constant on a 1070 but still felt sluggish and the controls are mind blowing for keyboard i just cant get to grips with them.

Maybe i will give it another look once the patch has been launched but i don't think its my kind of game. I don't mind gameplay vs graphics but it looks seriously dodgy like they ported it from a 900p console.
Yeah it is by far goty for me too. Better than the first? hard to say as there is little in it. Both are masterpieces imo.

If you loved the first one, you'll definitely love the second.
I think i missed the boat with this game compared to all the others who are loving it, the graphics are terrible everything is flat and of little interest the textures in the distance are jaggy as hell and that is running at ultra.

Managed to get it running 60fps constant on a 1070 but still felt sluggish and the controls are mind blowing for keyboard i just cant get to grips with them.

Maybe i will give it another look once the patch has been launched but i don't think its my kind of game. I don't mind gameplay vs graphics but it looks seriously dodgy like they ported it from a 900p console.

game looks brilliant on my x34 and 1080.. yea there are a far few frame pacing issues and the FPS linked to mouse sensitivity issue too but its about time we had a decent game that actually has some brilliant game mechanics..

havent even completed it yet mission 5 im on and its GOTY for me to! as well with blood and wine!
Caved in and got this yesterday, and absolutely loving it. Only just got to Karnaca. Playing as Corvo with powers, low chaos, which is the same as I did with Corvo and Daud in Dishonored.

I think I'll have a playthrough later with Emily no powers and high chaos for the luls. Should be tough.

EDIT: Don't seem to be having any problems with performance, certainly not to the extent of other people. Bit of framerate dip when I got to Karnaca, and it dips if I look around too fast sometimes. Will see if it worsens as I progress more tonight. Dunwall was absolutely fine.

Spec is Zotac GTX1070 with 8gb RAM and a non-overclocked 3570k. Game installed to an SSD. I'll be curious as to how well it stands up as I know people have had major issues even on a 1070.

Glad it worked out for you.

Strange how it works for some and not others. Hopefully the devs release a patch ASAP so all can enjoy the game :)
However, when Dishonored 2 is running smoothly, it is excellent. In the eyes of everyone on our team that's played it, it's one of the best games of the year. Knowing that a patch is imminent, and having now tested a beta version of that patch ourselves with encouraging results, we're uncomfortable with scoring Dishonored 2 as it currently exists in the knowledge that these technical issues are likely to be resolved shortly.

Hopefully going live soon. For the people with issues.
I have a 970 and the dips are pretty painful even with g-sync. I'm willing to wait more for a fix but I hope it wont be a thing where you need to wait months like AKknight.

Something worrying is that geforce experience recommends medium low settings for pretty much everything at 1080 which means either the ultra settings a pointlessly demanding like ubersampling or 8XMSAA or they already knew that the perfromance would not be good for anything except the latest enthusiast cards.
Decided to go for the Silence achievement on my second playthrough. Jindosh did not see me coming ;)

To be honest it was a lot quicker and easier this way vs killing everything which is what I did on my first go.

Now the silence ends, back to killing everything in there! lol :D
I've been scratching my head all week thinking of what game this reminds me of and its...... The darkness they look pretty similar ahh that feels better.

Played 15 mins just in the town and it actually isn't running too bad again. Seems a reinstall sorted it out.

Although i don't know which keys do what again as it keeps telling me to use the heart and a rune or something else is nearby :D
Desperate to play this but don't want to until it has been patched and I can play it without all the messing around. Really hope they release it tonight but it's looking doubtful...
November 11th
"hey at Bethesda we're working hard to bring you a patch in the next coming days :) "

2 moments lateur.....

nothing, zip, silence, shrugs, who knows.
Dishonoured 2, for me, is the game of the year. It will also be only the second game where I've played it again straight after completion, the only other game being Dishonoured.

I'm on my second play through. The first time round I played Emily, and mostly went with a nonlethal assault type playthrough, there were a few deaths but it was a light ending.

This run, she's falling to the dark - i'm listening heavily to the heart and executing people based on that. It's quite easy to imagine her getting desensitized to all of the killing. At first, it was "He beat his child black and blue for no reason" - EXECUTE, but she's gone right off the rails now and when the heart says "She cheated on cards so that she could pay the rent" it's EXECUTE.

Domino is hilarious, i've linked people together, put a mine on one then dropped them from a height into a crowd. (All morally unsound of course!)

I'll play Corvo next, and going to ghost the **** out of that playthrough.

It's bad that they let it go out with so many technical problems on the PC (and frankly consoles) - feels like they were rushed; but in it's heart it's game of the year for me and a very worthy successor to the original and frankly Thief 1/2

I'm fortunate in that it runs pretty okay for me for whatever reason, it was one of two games I really looked forward to this year (the other being Mirrors Edge 2 which I also loved)
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I'm on my second play through. The first time round I played Emily, and mostly went with a nonlethal assault type playthrough, there were a few deaths but it was a light ending.

This run, she's falling to the dark - i'm listening heavily to the heart and executing people based on that. It's quite easy to imagine her getting desensitized to all of the killing. At first, it was "He beat his child black and blue for no reason" - EXECUTE, but she's gone right off the rails now and when the heart says "She cheated on cards so that she could pay the rent" it's EXECUTE.

Domino is hilarious, i've linked people together, put a mine on one then dropped them from a height into a crowd. (All morally unsound of course!)

I'll play Corvo next, and going to ghost the **** out of that playthrough.

It's bad that they let it go out with so many technical problems on the PC (and frankly consoles) - feels like they were rushed; but in it's heart it's game of the year for me and a very worthy successor to the original and frankly Thief 1/2

I'm fortunate in that it runs pretty okay for me for whatever reason, it was one of two games I really looked forward to this year (the other being Mirrors Edge 2 which I also loved)

Glad someone else loved that game I've played it to death and still go back to it time and time again to collect things i missed.
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