Dishonored 2

It's just another **** optimised game for PC.

No matter the settings, fps don't increase a great deal (I also have to laugh at the little to virtually no difference between high and ultra yet again) and even when locked to 60 fps with vsync etc. there is still micro stutter and to top it all of, I constantly crash on the second mission (when you get past the first wall of light)
@Nexus18 it's looking like another refund request then. :(

Unfortunately so :(

We aren't alone either, loads of people on reddit and other forums having issues with crashing and performance, just another quality bethesada game for you :o

Give it a few more months and they'll probably have it patched up.....
Having a bit of a hard drive clear up, is it right there is no true DLC planned for this? They're just going with a stand alone expansion, as showcased at E3?

I've finished the base game and I'm not interested in playing it in a different style, so am I alright to remove it? The expansion won't require my saves or anything when I go to play it?

I've finished the base game and I'm not interested in playing it in a different style, so am I alright to remove it? The expansion won't require my saves or anything when I go to play it?

I don't think it'll use your saves. But even if it does, Steam backs up your saves so if you reinstall, your old saves will be there.
Been doing a low chaos run with Emily, doing really well and just rescued Sokolov from the clockwork mansion. Everything still low chaos till i get back to the boat and finish the mission and then it says i'm high chaos!? Is this a bug or does Sokolov have an impact himself?
Just recently started the demo for this. Artistically, it looks very good indeed and is one of the most impressive looking games I've ever seen, and although I don't tend to favour the soft, smooth look that this has, it certainly carries it off very well (sort of cell shaded look?).

Surprised how long the demo seems to be going on for as well.

I should also add that it gave my GPU one heck of a workout (84C at peak). :D
Just in the process of playing the original and enjoying it.

Wondering if the sequel (IE. Dishonored 2) is worth a punt, as it appears to be already available quite cheaply.
Question. Have they got on top of the performance / stability of the PC version yet?
I much preferred Dishonored 2 over Dishonored 1 so I would say definitely go for it.

As for performance / stability... as smooth as buttered silk for me, no problems at all. However, ymmv as there seems to be some that still have issues.

Waiting with bated breath for Death of The Outsider in September :)
Just picked up Dishonoured 2 in the Bundle Stars Bethesda sale. Before I start playing I was wondering how much of an understanding of the first game do you need to have to appreciate the second or is it set up in a way were it doesn't matter so much? I actually played the first one a couple of years back but gave up near the end - I got stuck somewhere in the flooded district - something about those exploding mollusc things were annoying me and I never went back to it. Can I go straight in to the second one or would there be a significant benefit trying to get back in to the first one and finishing it? The problem is I can remember nothing about the plot of the first one aside from someone getting stabbed at the beginning and I can't remember any of the controls or powers I had picked up along the way so it may prove difficult to pick up where I left off...
I played both games and I'll get the Outsider, but I don't think this series is really for me. I only play it melee style so basically all the stealth stuff and powers is mostly wasted on me.
I tried it twice with a 1080ti, 6700k and 3440*1440. It was a judder fest and I got a refund, twice.

I have no idea why the game runs great for some and not for others.
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