Dishonored 2

Evening all,

Just thought I'd post an update, I've had this on my radar for ages but with so many issues at launch with performance I left it, well, I just did my check in almost a year later and yep... Something has changed, I'm running everything ultra bar 2 settings (shadow and water detail which are set to high) at 1440p with a 980ti. So, looks like I'll be playing this tomorrow :D

Thought I'd give a heads up.
Yes playing this just now and have had not issues with stuttering after 31 hours of gameplay. The games frame rates do fluctuate a lot - I'm usually around 67 FPS outdoors and around 90 indoors at 3440x1440 with my Vega 64 although it will occasional dip in to the 40s when looking in a certain direction. This is fairly common now anyway with recent titles and no problem of course for anyone using freesync or Gsync. It really is a brilliant game, the exploration is fantastic...
Picked this up just last night and noticed straight away the frame judder, almost as if Gsync isn't working, on my 1080 I'm getting between 70-100fps. Not a dealbreaker and I'll play through anyway, but any ideas what I can do to help sort it? I've read about capping framerates and what have you but I can't get it to work. :/
Picked this up just last night and noticed straight away the frame judder, almost as if Gsync isn't working, on my 1080 I'm getting between 70-100fps. Not a dealbreaker and I'll play through anyway, but any ideas what I can do to help sort it? I've read about capping framerates and what have you but I can't get it to work. :/

This is exactly the problem I had and I gave up with it. However, I had the same problem with Skyrim SE and have find a fix; tab out and back in again. I never did try that with Dishonored 2.
This is exactly the problem I had and I gave up with it. However, I had the same problem with Skyrim SE and have find a fix; tab out and back in again. I never did try that with Dishonored 2.

I've got it about as good as I can get it after a bit of messing, certainly playable. I read to tick GSync Full and Windowed in settings, that seems to have helped.
Only getting around to this now after the performance issues on launch. Wow it is class. Playing as emily - what are her best powers? Im guessing you wont be able to get them all.
So is this second game more of the same as in Dishonored 1 because I’m thoroughly enjoying the first game. Easily one of my favourites now.
So is this second game more of the same as in Dishonored 1 because I’m thoroughly enjoying the first game. Easily one of my favourites now.

Yeah, pretty much but I enjoyed D2 more. You get a better choice of how to play and a choice of character. I'd also highly recommend the DLCs for D1 too, they're better than the main D1 game, imo!
Yeah, pretty much but I enjoyed D2 more. You get a better choice of how to play and a choice of character. I'd also highly recommend the DLCs for D1 too, they're better than the main D1 game, imo!

I got the whole package in last weeks Steam sale but I’m not sure how you start the DLCs!
I got the whole package in last weeks Steam sale but I’m not sure how you start the DLCs!
You referring to Dishonored 1 with the DLC ?? If so, click on Missions and it will bring up the DLC's. From what I was told Dunwall City Trails can be skipped but the other two is good. Start with the Knife of Dunwall and finish with the Witches. If it was meant for Dishonored 2 then I have no clue, not started playing it yet. :p
Still undecided on getting this one - I really loved the original but a lot of that was because for the most part the mechanics were very accessible and much of the game was fluid and intuitive - I really can't be bothered with the second one if they've made it more clunky and more convoluted as some of the promotional videos suggest - haven't really bothered yet to check out end user gameplay video.
Still undecided on getting this one - I really loved the original but a lot of that was because for the most part the mechanics were very accessible and much of the game was fluid and intuitive - I really can't be bothered with the second one if they've made it more clunky and more convoluted as some of the promotional videos suggest - haven't really bothered yet to check out end user gameplay video.

If anything i think they refined the mechanics while adding new elements, i think you'd enjoy it more if you enjoyed the first.
Still undecided on getting this one - I really loved the original but a lot of that was because for the most part the mechanics were very accessible and much of the game was fluid and intuitive - I really can't be bothered with the second one if they've made it more clunky and more convoluted as some of the promotional videos suggest - haven't really bothered yet to check out end user gameplay video.

There's a demo on Steam you can try out.
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